
This sounds retarded.

@morphoyle: Exactly! Nobody is who they say they are!

I would hardly call syncing an iPhone "seamless".

I must have that hat.

If he stays in the apartment and walks to the set every day then he doesn't need the gym trailer.

@Sloopydrew: You forgot the 4th group that's just going to post quotes from the game.

@Koinu: I got the email, but I lost my card before I activated it online. If I go into the store and ask for a replacement card, can I still get the deal?

I think we all know how to avoid buggy releases. Sometimes, a missed release date is a good thing.

So there's nothing in there about Apple being allowed to abduct me at any time and perform bizzare medical procedures on me and other iTunes users?

@Phoenicks: I would take a broken console over a stolen credit card any day. And MS has done a pretty good job of fixing RRoDs for free.

How can Anonymous claim to have no involvement? Their very nature means that anyone can claim to be from Anonymous and nobody can deny it.

Portal did, and I liked that.

@-Silver-: Fallout 3 was fun, but I think Rage will obliterate it in the combat department.

For the most part, I'm tired of silent protagonists. Shouldn't the NPC's at least find it unusual that their hero is a mute?

@dswatson83: Good point. Playing games at anything below native resolution really sucks on LCDs.

@pixelsnader: Because the GPUs put in Mac desktops are relatively crappy. It wouldn't be fair to compare them to real gaming GPUs.

The video cards in both my laptop and desktop rape this thing. And both machines cost less than the cheapest Mac.

@tonyp21: Ouch. Integrated cards are usually terrible. Is it Intel?

@Jonn: In the previous one you could replace your hammer with an ostrich.

N64 all the way, despite the awkward controller. Since then I've been on my PC or Xbox.