

I'll stick with my mouse and keyboard, thank you very much.

Wait, is this a joke or for real? They have a website and everything!

I've never bought songs on iTunes. I hate iTunes SO MUCH!!!

Hasn't SoundHound been free forever?

"Starting to show its age"?

Motion controls? Yuck. I'll stick with my trusty circle pad.

What the hell? Valves best stuff is single-player.

@TnOdyssey001: yes, psn is free, but having used both I find xbl to simply be a superior experience, and $60 a year is nothing compared to what anybody who plays WOW pays and it lets you play any of hundreds of games.

It seems like a waste not to use the undamaged reactors. Don't they really need the power over there?

@Underyx: That should say alternate not augmented.

@DadeMurphy: It's not worth the extra cost. Win7 is great.

@Who-really-cares: No more security updates of any kind after support expires.

@Andrew Abballo: Unless you need to use applications more than 5 years old. Very little software these days works with 2000.

Wow. Interiors actually look decent now.

@RaveToTheGrave: Or get it on PC. Valve games have very low system requirements.

@jacobvandy: Portal on the PC had loading screens. They were just brief. Every time you got in an elevator the game would pause and load the new content.

@ARYXANDRE: The Orange Box was a collection of small games and one full older game.