
Not when increasing your income means increasing your debt. If I can't afford a 60" plasma TV, then I shouldn't go into debt up to my eyeballs just to get one. I should either buy a smaller TV or keep using the one I have until I can afford the big one.

"You are not allowed to put information up on the internet that is already all over the internet."

mind == blown

When expenses exceed income, the only logical course of action is to cut unnecessary expenditures.

5250 is just 30 feet shy of one mile, which is 5280.

Because Splinter Cell is better.

If I was Toyota I would have made a public statement that literally says "**** off, Apple"

Where the hell are most people going to fit a 103" tv?

I wouldn't be Max Payne if you didn't slow time down.

More like Stranglehold sounds like Max Payne

What I'm seeing is that a bunch of people bought lots of 3DSs hoping to sell them for a profit when there was the inevitable shortage (like with the Wii). But when that shortage never materialized (thanks to Nintendo manufacturing enough units) all these people are trying to cut their losses by trading the devices

What about Android? I want it on my Xoom!

At most practical TV sizes, 4K won't be discernible from 2K (1080p) to the human eye unless you are sitting too close to your TV.

Wait, people still read?

This is the worst headline I have ever heard. I get that the article isn't trying to scare people, but come on! People are scared of something they shouldn't be and headlines like this are only making the problem worse.

It's Duke Nukem. The fact that it's unnecessary makes it a necessity.

Idiots need to stop getting offended; If you don't like something, don't buy it.

How nuclear bombs are built is easy. The hard part is enriching the uranium to an extent that it can be used in a bomb.

Pollution from burning coal alone kills an estimated 30,000 Americans every year.