
Coal burning alone kills 30,000 people in the U.S. EVERY SINGLE YEAR. (source: [nextbigfuture.com]

Coal burning alone kills 30,000 people in the U.S. EVERY SINGLE YEAR. (source: [nextbigfuture.com]

I wish more people would see reason.

What the hell is wrong with a PS3 exclusive becoming a multi-platform title?

Netflix streaming are only good for stuff you wanna watch once IMO.

But the old RE games had such bad controls that they weren't scary, they were frustrating.

It's bad for video game consoles, which are usually sold at cost (or even at a loss) when they are brand new to try and stay competitive. It works well in that the consumer gets a good deal and the hardware doesn't become outdated so quickly.

So, wait, they would rather us not watch these live streams with all ads intact instead of watching at home on our DVR's where we skip the ads?

And the malware issue is only on Windows because most people use it. If OS X had a more sizable userbase, people would be writing more malware for it too.


I know why he didn't get that job.

I wouldn't have understand it if I didn't take such an interest in history. The problem was mostly restricted to the south.

They've ruined Honeycomb!

It's not because it's graphic, it's because of some of the more unpleasant parts of US history. Hanging is strongly associated with racism and particularly the KKK.

You sir have made my day.

It's not because it's graphic, it's because of some of the more unpleasant parts of US history.

I played the beta, I was unimpressed. I played like Diablo but it just wasn't as fun.

Super Dodgeball on the Gameboy Advance was the shiz!

As a PC gamer I can say that the difference between 30 FPS and 60 FPS is substantial. Most PC games would be considered unplayable at 30 FPS.

That video scared me more than any Alfred Hitchcock movie ever has.