
Woohoo, now I can bind 'toggle aim mode' to the right mouse button! My middle finger is going to be so happy.

Question: Why would anybody buy this without service when there is a cheaper wifi-only version just around the corner?

Why are we still calling 360/PS3 "Next-gen"? I wouldn't be surprised to see new hardware out next year!

MS stopped working on backwards compatibility for the 360 because they hit a dead end.

I was an N64 loyalist back then. I still maintain the position that it was the superior system compared to the PlayStation. But I was quick to jump ship to the Xbox when it came out and continued that with the 360.

Ooooh I love that game!

Is there a country where I don't have to put up with all this advocacy group BS and still have all my freedoms and technology?

Since when did Steve Jobs "invent" anything?

Why the hell do we need need reviews for a device that's been out for more than six months now? It's not like they changed anything! It's just on a different f***ing carrier!

As it turns out, freemium games SUCK!


Matlin is wrong.

@justinglen: Both Hulu and Netflix have committed to having apps out for Android phones and tablets within the next few months.

I seem to remember the last few levels of Halo Reach being much harder than the first ones.

Achievements, at least to me, mean nothing without some kind of number or score attached to them.

Do want. Just the back though, I like the front the way it is.

Price-wise, nothing can compete with what you build yourself. Plus, nothing pre-built gives you the satisfaction of, you know, having built it yourself.

@Tabarnaco: The framerate issue may not be much for people who almost exclusively play console games since most of them nowadays run at 30FPS. Being primarily a PC gamer, I've been spoiled by being able to run all my games at 60FPS.

@Tabarnaco: Simple math. To provide a 3D effect, the machine has to render two frames for every frame that you see. The Dead or Alive game runs at 30FPS with 3D on and 60FPS with it off, and everyone who has had hands on time with the game says it makes a huge difference. The only way to negate the halving of the