
@ddhboy: I have yet to see a game on my iPhone that can keep me hooked like something on a dedicated gaming device can. There are simply too many problems inherent in a touchscreen only environment that prevent games as complex as Gears of War or Quake from functioning as effectively as they do with a real physical

@Tabarnaco: A touch panel on the back of the device is something I've never seen before, and some of the stuff they were demonstrating with it looked pretty awesome.

@Tabarnaco: Actually, with the touch panel on the back and some of the other features, it sounds like Sony has done more innovating this time around than Nintendo. The 3DS just sounds like a more powerful DS with a 3D screen that you have to hold perfectly still to use.

@slim934: Your tasty human liver.

@ddhboy: The kinds of games that can be made for a smartphone aren't the kinds of games people buying a 3DS/NGP want.

Is it the T-Virus?

I would guess this would be more expensive than the 3DS but there is one thing to consider.

@geolemon: $4 is ridiculous, but you and I both know Apple would NEVER let this into the app store.

No info for SLC? Lame.

@Cleesox: I played it on my Xbox last night. It was pretty awesome!

@vinod1978: I remember people acting like I am, only in the late 90's/early 2000's about Microsoft.

@Cleesox: One of the advantages of having an Xbox and a PC is the demos. One of the disadvantages? Seeing my Xbox sit there all lonely for weeks at a time because for one reason or another, I get most games on my PC instead.

@vinod1978: I think the tech is cool, but if it meant Apple was getting a small chunk of every purchase I made, I would refuse to use it.

I have an idea! Let's mix a stimulant drug and a depressant! That won't f*ck up our brains at all!

Anything that involves giving money to Apple is a terrible idea. What's the aversion to swiping a credit card anyways?

@usedtowork: Everyone I know who has owned a Macbook Air has mentioned technical issues, particularly overheating, video and sound issues. Most of them said they would never buy one again.

@rbgaynor: They're running what is effectively mid-range hardware from 3 years ago. That's pretty slow by todays standards. It wouldn't be a problem except for the price. You could buy a similar netbook and throw in an SSD for the same price and it would be equally fast.

@NuevoLeon: Everyone I know who has owned a Macbook Air has mentioned technical issues, particularly overheating, video and sound issues. Most of them said they would never buy one again.

Sticking them under water and turning them on helps prevent the electric motor from decaying prematurely. It's recommended that you do this at least once every 2-3 years with all your power tools.