
@scazzy: 30 seconds is what it takes on one of our machines at work that's bogged down with full disk encryption and a crap-ton of software like Symantec and other junk. My PC at home boots much faster.

@Moonchilde: I doubt it will be as fast as volatile RAM. The reason it's faster for booting is because with volatile RAM, the OS and everything have to be loaded up from the hard drive at boot. With this stuff, it just stays there when you turn the computer off. You're effectively putting the computer to sleep.

It's hard calling it Infinity Ward when so many key members are gone.

This stuff isn't as great or useful as it sounds.

@FrankenPC: Ah. Well I never use more than 10 minutes a month from my voice plan anyways (I HATE talking over the phone) so this is more or less useless to me.

@Eruanno: I've never liked services like Pandora. They never have the music I want and they require an internet connection. For me it seems 10x more convenient to just have music files on my hard drive and play them in foobar2000. And at the rate I buy new music, the whole "free" thing isn't a very big selling point,

That would work except the only time my phone isn't in my pocket is when it's in my palm being used.

DRM? Keep that worthless pile of shit away from me!

@FrankenPC: Don't they require you to have a voice plan with your smartphone anyways? And I thought most carriers soft capped your data at 5 gigs.

This seems like a step backwards. Why would I want to get rid of my cell phone again?

How do they f**k it up so badly that people are stuck in traffic for 10 hours?

@dowingba: The screenshots are small, but it looks like it's not as graphically impressive as it was on the Xbox/PC when it came out, which is a shame. Even by todays standards, that game still looks damn good on the PC.

@The Squid: It's hardly almost as powerful as the 360. Even when accounting for the megahertz myth, the 3DS dual core 233MHz processor doesn't scratch the surface of the 360's triple core 3.2 GHz processor.

@ziplizard: High-five to you other "W" person!

Yes, dammit!

@Uhyve: It would really suck if the next Xbox console still uses DVD's though, then we'd still be stuck with low res textures. Or 4 disc games.

I for one am getting a little tired of playing games in 720p (or even 540p) and the low res textures on consoles compared to what I'm seeing on my PC. We need new hardware, hopefully in 2012.