
Aaaaaah! They're turning into another Apple!

@rgembry001: I don't think you understand the scientific model. This kind of stuff is proven through experimentation, like the experiments being run in the large hadron collider. Good scientists don't just start saying random crap without proof like they did back when everyone thought the earth was flat.

You can't mix console and PC gamers. Apart from it just not being natural, PC gamers have an unfair advantage with the mouse and keyboard, which I guys doesn't apply as much to this game. Once they do this with an FPS that's competitive instead of cooperative, life will suck for PS3 gamers.

@d00d123: Uhm, call me crazy, but I actually find my Dell to be more sturdy and reliable than anything I've ever used from Apple.

I think Steve Jobs is every bit as evil as Bill Gates was back in the 90's. Why people glorify Steve and talk about Bill like he's Satan is way beyond me.

This is hilarious, but it kind of feels like their marketing it towards kids with the whole "Your mom hates Dead Space 2" thing, and this isn't a kids game.

Everyone I know who's had a Macbook Air has hated the damn thing. It's an engineering marvel and disaster at the same time.

I don't even like acknowledging Batman Returns or it's sequel ever existed, especially the sequel.

People here stories of addicted gamers in China or Korea dying in internet cafes while playing World of Warcraft for 5 days straight. It freaks like those who give us a bad name.

@qxr70: I don't play StarCraft 2 online except with friends (I suck at it) and Counter-Strike sucks unless you're really good at it, so I can't comment on those games. TF2 seems hit-or-miss. Some servers have tons of people with mics and some do not. However now that I think about it, BC2 seems to have a lot of

I thought you couldn't host your own Black Ops servers, you had to use GameServers.com

Sonic Adventure was the last good Sonic game, and the only good 3D one.

I don't know who's more stupid. The idiot that stole the laptop or the idiot that didn't think to back up his incredibly important data.

Nintendo really hates online play.

Mr. Freeze is funny, but Two-Face? Now that's hilarious!

@Helis: @qxr70: I'm primarily a PC gamer, but I also have an Xbox with Xbox Live. I can tell you from experience that there are genrally more players with mics. When I play MW2 I may run into 2 other people with mics each round.

@qxr70: I'm primarily a PC gamer, but I also have an Xbox with Xbox Live. I can tell you from experience that there are more people using mics on Xbox Live than on the PC.

@Helis: It doesn't help Live that it comes with a mic, so there are a lot more people on voice chat whereas on PC there's like 2.