@Raso719: Probably just the way I was raised. I view sexual explicitness much more harshly than violence. There are some PG-13 movies that I think should have been rated R (like Titanic) and vice-versa (The Matrix).
@Raso719: Probably just the way I was raised. I view sexual explicitness much more harshly than violence. There are some PG-13 movies that I think should have been rated R (like Titanic) and vice-versa (The Matrix).
@Raso719: It's not just for parents. I myself am rather excited by the inclusion of this option.
@earlyman: I agree.
@DocSeuss: Either way, even single-layer DVD's are 4.7GB.
@DocSeuss: They're comparing it to the Wii, which is comparable to the original Xbox.
Why would they enforce a 2GB limit? If this console has similar processing power as an original Xbox, wouldn't you want to use 8 GB to hold all them hi-res textures and stuff?
Just Cause 2 was a fun game, but it's story and voice acting were just awful. Why not make a movie out of a game with a good story?
Why would I want a curved display?
A little late to the party, isn't it?
A single frame of Infinity Blade may look slightly better than Rage HD, but in motion Rage HD is much better looking. On my iPhone 4, the framerate is constantly dropping to unacceptably low levels in Infinity Blade. Rage HD maintains a pretty solid 60 FPS, and still looks fantastic.
@Bada Big BOOM: Well in Call of Duty there was little or no blood whatsoever and mild language.
@Ehrich Blackhound: It's just Karma getting back at Yahoo for laying off so may people right before Christmas.
I can't wait to start watching movies and playing games while zipping along at 65 miles per hour around other massive chunks of metal also zipping around at 65 miles per hour.
OMG it's the first Goldeneye game to have half-decent controls! Yippee!
@blyan is nominal too?: Holy crap, you've put my opinion into words perfectly!
Haha! They beat Black Mesa Source!
I'm sick and tired of games that rely on microtransactions. I would much rather actually buy the game and just get everything.
@Bada Big BOOM: The teen rating is equivalent to a PG-13 rating. Movies like Live Free or Die Hard are more violent than the first Call of Duty, and they get a PG-13 rating. If any game where the objective is to kill people, then what constitutes a T rating? The T rating is a bridge between the mostly non violent E…
@Shenta: Well games like Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force and the first Call of Duty had online play and they weren't rated M. In fact, online play isn't factored into the games rating. That's what that disclaimer is at the beginning of the game saying that your experience may change during online play. Or the other…
@Bada Big BOOM: So games like Star Trek: Elite Force and the first Call of Duty should be rated M? They seemed pretty PG-13 to me.