@OMGLX: I doubt it.
@OMGLX: I doubt it.
@Shenta: I'm just saying, does Modern Warfare belong in the same category as Manhunt 2 or Grand Theft Auto IV?
@OMGLX: They never realeased Big Surf Island for PC :(
Racing games have always been better on consoles anyways. That's why I'm picking this up for my Xbox even though I'm more a PC gamer and like the slimmer price tag.
I think the real issue here is that Modern Warfare should have been rated T.
Will people PLEASE stop complaining about best soundtrack? Here is the problem with everyone's complaints:
@MrGerbz: They have two music categories; Best Soundtrack and Best Original Score.
Wouldn't it have been easier to delay this game another year an release a half decent game instead of this pile of shit they call an MMO?
@wjbean: He broke the law. How is this any different from a teen dealing drugs to other kids at school?
@burninfidels: I normally hate cliche's, but I actually enjoyed the ending to SCII.
@ZFK: The attacks would only prevent access to the site. Any orders already placed would be unaffected.
Can you really blame a large company for withdrawing support of a highly controversial (and potentially illegal) organization? I like WikiLeaks, but this is just a bunch of retarded bullshit.
@Paul_Is_Drunk: Just because an ending is happy doesn't mean it's hollywood cliche.
@DELICIOUS BUNNY: Kerrigan returns to human form at the end of Wings of Liberty. And she's naked.
Or you could just hold up the cashier with a gun and demand free coffee.
I'm just pretending Clone Wars never existed. That movie was WORSE thanBatman & Robin.
@Hagame: Certain things that have been leaked, like the Collateral Murder video were important and the government should have just been upfront about it and admitted they effed up.
@nmoline: I think it depends on the type of information leaked. In the case of the collateral murder video, that needed to get out. The guy who leaked that should be treated like a hero. The diplomatic cables on the other hand, had no real reason to be leaked other than to embarrass the U.S. government. Whoever leaked…
@Hiphopopotamus: You're exactly right. WikiLeaks as an idea is excellent, but as it's currently being executed by Assange, it's bad.
WikiLeaks is a good idea.