
I like WikiLeaks for the most part.

@NeVeRMoRe666: Is it frustrating hard, like Kaizo mario or the original US release of DMC3?

Wow, that is sick!

@kilikafinal: "These revisions don't stop *AT* DVD copying."

@Vlyke615: Whoever made that video obviously doesn't understand how our economy works when it comes to media.

How do they expect to ban software which is available for free on the internet? That's about as enforceable as telling people they can't look at their ceilings.

Anything running Motoblur is a bad thing.

@Ryan_Long: I agree with you completely.

@pettiblay: I understood it and all I've had is high school biochemistry and a couple of books on the subject. Not claiming to be an expert here, but knowing what elements DNA is made of and how they work together seems like one of the easier concepts of the field.

@jchen1: I think you fail to understand the craziness of what they have discovered here. This is pretty frickin' huge.

There are sane religious people and insane religious people. These guys are proud examples of the latter.

@PhineasJW: Because no other popular computing platform is so closed an strict.

@Galvarez: If you could please kindly point me to where I could obtain some of Hitler's DNA.

@skaorsk8: Handbrake only encodes h.264.

Proof that there is too much (or in this case, too big) of a good thing.