*chef’s kiss
*chef’s kiss
Especially since he ran in 2016 as well, and the DNC despised him then too. That’s four years of vetting time and dirt digging, at least.
Hahahahahahahaha. My god... This is horrifying in how every line fits perfectly. You are spot on, this is his campaign anthem.
My personal, thoughtful and detailed perspective:
Bloomberg: ”Mommmmmmy, Bernie said he was going to.. sniff sniff.. he said he was going to eat me!”
Good point, and agreed. As mark Twain said:
I think this is well thought out, and you’re second paragraph hits a point as well. When something like 70% of white people voted for Trump, an open unapologetic racist, it’s difficult giving an old white dude the benefit of the doubt when circumstances are somewhat strange and unclear.
Imagine the money and legal energy trying to exclude otherwise viable foster homes diverted to actually helping develop perspective foster homes.
This is dogmatic and just downright shitty of you. Yes the Root often publishes articles meant to be inflammatory and offensive to racist’s and white people who ignore racism. These articles are meant to challenge people’s privilege and make them feel uncomfortable. But these articles are also almost always backed up…
And hopefully he gets all of it.
I like the inverse of what I was saying! See I actually had to rack my brain and think “is that a frank quote or a trump quote”. I have seen every episode numerous times and I still had to look that shit up to make sure it was trump.
You are welcome! I feel I have an obligation to use it whenever possible.
You realize opinions aren’t evidence, right?
Good, he better get sentenced close to that maximum as well. If so, he would likely die in jail without the chance to ruin even more lives.
Good. And I sincerely hope they hit as close to that maximum as they can. He deserves every fucking minute.
There really are too many. Basically pull any frank quote from any season. And without context it sounds like some shit trump would say.
Hahahahaha, I mean all that you mention kinda describes both the lost smoke monster and trump.
Shit you are right! Probably B then.
a) Selling his soul to the devil.