It’s exhausting but then I remember that Rush Limbaugh is dying and smile.
It’s exhausting but then I remember that Rush Limbaugh is dying and smile.
This is one of the huge problems. On any, ANY, respectable news outlet, they should ALL be roasting her, rubio, Alexander, Murkowski, and all of those other motherfuckers 24/Goddamn/7. The fact that these respectable sources try and act with decorum and respect toward an assclown that voted for kavanaugh AND to acquit…
Yeah although it’s literally not false. She was the person fighting the most against that and Antonio Weiss’s appointment. This is when Democrats were telling her to calm down and stop rocking the boat. It worked with both of those appointments. She also didn’t even get control of the CFPB herself but instead worked…
Yup, its fun for like 5 seconds until I remember the state of the country, that nothing is changing for at least the next half year, and that there is a strong chance that republicans hold on to their seats or win new ones all around government come November.
No Joe Manchin, fuck you. We do not need to unite the country when it is filled to the brim with bigots, racists, and evil motherfuckers. Fuck those assclowns.
Whoa shit that’s... uh... interesting. And good for that history teacher and the whole critical thinking thing. Something that’s severely lacking these days.
Every single Victoria I have ever known has been pretty terrible in some way or another. Like without fail. There was one I specifically remember in High School, whose parents bought her a range rover, and then she walked around school asking people to guess how much her car cost and how much her parents spent on it.…
My god, yeah those publications are... I mean how is math secular or non secular? They also seem to mention biblical truth a lot. Which I am all for people practicing religion however they see fit (without harming others obviously, and preferably allowing their children to make their own educated decisions on religion)…
Aaaaaaaaand like clockwork!
I think you have a great point. And I think it’s somewhat of a combo. The more sinister people (republicans in government) absolutely want to keep those white kids from learning the real American history so that they grow up to be bigoted republicans. If they are forced to learn the history of oppression in America…
Exactly, there was a ton of pushback in the north as well. Indicated by Lincoln’s racist ass speech on how he wasn’t for equality to fight that pushback. The whole country was fucked up.
Yea I’m not backpedaling from shit, but explaining why I said he seems like that kinda person to me, with his awkward and somewhat problematic history with black people and saying kinda dumb things about race.
No problem. I guess I sort of implied it in saying I supported an English team!
Growing up in a predominately white neighborhood with a predominately white school, this is completely accurate.
I just hate trolls. And love using their divisive rhetoric against them so that they shut the fuck up with a quickness without being able to label me as some milquetoast innefectual liberal/snowflake/social justice warrior blah blah*dismissive wank motion* blah.
This is just darkly hilarious (it’s more sad than anything, but still) to me
Right!? I get so mad when I see people say that politicians need to step in line and stop rocking the boat with their stupid ass policies and care for other struggling human beings. Although Pelosi has been incredible in slamming Trump, I will never forget her condescending, patronizing, and harmful tone with AOC and…
I, for the most part, tend to agree with you here that it might take slow steps toward M4A and would not pass currently. That I can begrudgingly kinda agree on, although I am fine if a candidate like Bernie runs on the platform of M4A, as I think the worst case is it just won’t pass.
You know there is a candidate whose name starts with W and ends with arren that has a detailed way to get it done!