D.R. Darke

Well, that’s the difference between a good defense lawyer and a great defense lawyer.

Wizards Of The Coast (itself owned by Hasbro) about upcoming changes to the games’ Open Game License, an expansive document that allows third-party publishers to use elements from the Dungeons & Dragons rulebooks—classes, spells, and monsters, for instance, but also base gameplay rules, like rolling a 20-sided die to

He used to bethe guy.” (At least according to a couple of contemporaries who knew him back in the day.)

He probably had “a guy” for the last 50+ years and now he’s supposed to walk into a store? Like a commoner?

Honestly. Army of the Dead wasn’t funny enough or scary enough. It was just so blah. 

David Fincher’s new Netflix project ... {Exhilarated gasp!}

People have a lot of valid complaints about Snyder’s slow-mo and dark aesthetics, and stuff, but I couldn’t believe how boring Army of the Dead was.

I look forward to Snyder’s latest opus to fascist symbolism.

Exactly this. OP appears to think defense lawyers in real life should act like the ones on TV shows who will have a sudden moral epiphany, throw their client to the wolves, and somehow not immediately get disbarred.

It’s an awful, awful disease and the thing is, its’ not like he’ll be released. There’s no escape from this and no quality of life going forward.

Been a long time since I read the Amber books but I just loved that (in the first five anyway) each book ended with the idea that someone else in the family was the hero (or the heir at least).

Also the series started strong but became weaker as it went along. I don’t think there was even a real conclusion to it all, it just sort of petered out.

just curious: who do you feel is the likeable one that isn’t Corwin? Random?

This reminds me of how bad I feel when I see guys freaking out in the comments on youtube or where ever over “white male erasure”. I have to imagine they spend a much larger portion of their day than I witness seething at the thought of women getting equal pay etc. That’s sad.

Thousands of people sending someone violent messages full of rape threats is not ok, is misogynistic regardless of their motivations

People always forget the part about how freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequence. She’s voicing her opinion plenty, no one is stopping her. If it turns people against her, well, they’re entitled to that just as much.

She has made it her personality.  Look at her Twitter feed, she wont shut up about trans people.  She thinks about trans people probably more then some trans people.

Yeah, but the problem with all the thousands upon thousands of ordinary people who disagree with Rowling is that none of them are rich celebrities, so Brain couldn’t care less if they get to voice their opinions.

I fail to see the part where her opinion has been silenced. She has one of the biggest platforms in the world. No one is silencing her.

“I think she’s entitled to her opinion, she’s entitled to say what she feels.”

Um, just to be clear, J.K. Rowling has never had her opinion silenced. She’s perfectly free to say whatever thing bops into her 100s-of-million-dollar brain. She has, and continues to do so.

The problem for her, Brian, is that people actually