Probably a combination of both.
Probably a combination of both.
I have no idea, I just know that it’s ending.
This Fall: Litigator — The story of a camouflaged alien creature that shows up mysteriously after major accidents to brutally sue everyone into bankruptcy, decorating his office with their skulls.
Disney, you SONAVA BITCH!
As your lawyer I would strongly advise you to get to the chopper.
Did you even see The Predator?
I had a plastic retractable light saber in the ‘70s.
I did have to make the vrrrrvrrr sound myself. Hum and whistle at the same time, that’s the ticket
Whenever someone says ‘jet packs’ in this context, they mean a mass-market jet pack, not bespoke one-offs that cost as much as a nice house.
Nobody tell my husband. He already has a custom SaberForge lightsaber AND one from Galaxy’s Edge.
Jet packs have to be right up there.
If you are looking for a saber that won’t break the instant you look at it funny, I’d recommend Don’t know if I’m violating any advertising policies. I am not invested in the company. I just like hitting things with a light up stick that goes VRRrrVRRRR.
It’s extremely impractical, but a real proto-lightsaber does exist.
Now if it can be like that toy broomstick from the Harry Potter movies that was recalled years ago...then even the grrrrrls will like sci-fi too!
The lightsaber is right up there with flying cars for terrible ideas that I wish to hell would actually become a thing for a week just for the chaos it’d cause.
You win Jew-of-the-day. Mazel Tov!
“the head is wet on this one it is” yoda training Luke ;)
Funny. He doesn’t look druish.
You mean you never heard of Mort Vader? He’s the mohel who made the bris run in under 12 parsecs!
Using a Bris Saber.
Deleted scene: Vader circumcising Baby Luke with his lightsaber.