D.R. Darke

Would watch. 

I think society would improve tenfold if no one ever mentioned donald trump again in any context

From what I’ve heard he treats people pretty well

What’s he done to make you hate him as a human being?

they’ve guzzled so much of the Snyder-Aid that they will demand the sequel. WB should give it to them..

You really thought you did something here huh

I loved the Murder Show bit because I recently had a long conversation with my students about why women love true crime and now I get to show that sketch to them. It’ll break up the next zoom. 

Undoubtedly so, I think there is a really strong era of amazing cartoons from the 1930s to the early 1960s, then a big fall off in quality as H&B pushed out a huge amount of garbage to fill demand with small budgets, then a slow resurgence in the late 1980s and full-scale into the 1990s when budgets grew again and

Yes, it was ripe for this treatment. Can you imagine putting one of those mirrors in your bedroom? What if it glitched and came on in the middle of the night? I am not OK with the internet of things.

I liked Sucker Punch as an exploitation movie, although I haven’t watched it since it came out. Despite that, I agree with your sentiment.

I also kinda liked Cats! I was promised a train wreck and came out thinking parts of it were not that bad!

Just #releasethedevils already.
The film is already complete and being show in R rated cuts intermittently on streaming. After the millions you’ve kept throwing at Snyder, is finally giving us Russell’s original movie THAT unreasonable?

It’s like watching a chimp run around with a chainsaw. You know the chimp shouldn’t have it, someone responsible should take it away, but you kind of want to see what he’s going to do with it.

Now playing

The next movie with reveal that Joker has been gathering an army.

True failures all fail in their own unique way. A truly great movie and a truly terrible one scratch the same itch - the desire to see something unique that you haven’t seen before.

Well we do live in a society! 

C’est la vie!

There are horror stories about the behavior of certain mid-Twentieth Century directors who terrorized their actors to get the scene they wanted—names like Hitchcock and Welles come to mind.

Just because he wasn’t being “sexual” doesn’t mean that pressuring an actress about her pregnancy wasn’t MASSIVELY crossing a line, we’re way past “being an asshole” here.

The combination of the root note, fifth an diminished fifth is historically referred to as the Devil’s Tritone AND THAT IS ALL THE PROOF I NEED THAT MEPHISTO IS DEFINITELY PULLING EVERYBODY’S STRINGS.