D.R. Darke

Since Kara won a Pulitzer Lois should have at least a couple. 

I meant how it would be seen now compared to later portrayals, the portrayals that many tend to associate the character with. I can’t begin to guess what the writers of the time intended.

Maybe they’ll meet us in the middle and just feed Jared Leto to sharks?  I mean - they could put it in the movie, since there’s comic book history involved, so - it’s a twofer?

Yup all good plot points to follow. AND I would love to see any possible tension among Lana and Lois and Clark be about ethics like this instead of romance.

Did you see the Elseworlds crossover? She was hanging with Clark on the farm and pretty much treating it like a family member’s home.

I can’t remember a single kid at the time saying the movie scared them. It became the highest-grossing movie ever made up to that point! That didn’t happen because it was giving kids nightmares.

I’m going to guess given the current state of things we won’t see Kara at all this first season, but if the world gets closer back to normal maybe next season if Benoist is willing? 

I was definitely looking for Kara and Alex at the funeral, and at the flashback to the wedding

True! The article mentions that the comic wasn’t written by the Karate Kid.

Hell yes! They used Superman’s Kingdom Come suit in this. 

So...where was Kara at the funeral? I do hope we get some tiny references to her and I hope one cameo.

If they’re going to have her working for the Smallville Wheatwrapper or whatever, she had better be editor-in-chief or owner. There are only so many huge Morgan Edge exposés a small-town paper can support (so many being 0 or 1). Maybe she’ll start her own instantly popular blog like Iris, LOL.

In the crazy, rushed finale of CRISIS, it was noted that Clark was aware of what Ollie had done, but Lois wasn’t. (J’onn restored HIS memories, not hers.) He was actually surprised to get a call from her about what “his boys” had done.

I’m just hoping this doesn’t become a plot point to drive a wedge between them in

It’s interesting, because after watching the show it works. It’s not sombre like the Snyderverse, where it feels like nothing matters and Superman is just doing his thing out of obligation or destiny. He’s facing complex issues, things that can’t just be solved with ice breath and solar-powered punches, but no matter

I did not realize I wanted a show about Superman versus the death of the American small town, but I gotta say that now that I have one, I’m actually pretty excited.

I’d say there were enough moments indicating that the show can do humor well (e.g., “Thanks, my mom made it.”) that I’m not concerned yet. And the drama itself feels earned.

A somber super hero adaptation?  No....

Considering the recent trailer focused on the dramatic elements, not really that surprising.

Supertroopers is one of the finest comedies of the 2000s. Just hilariously quotable from beginning to end.