D.R. Darke

We all know Cocaine Bear can’t possibly live up to its premise....

The alternative is MY TWO-THOUSAND POUND LIFE.


And I reject the quote because Mr. Zsazs Zaslav has already proven himself to be a talentless Yahoo with no taste for anything other than shitty insulting reality TeeVee.

Yep, that sure is...a take.

I give a shit because it’s a Warner Brothers movie with a female hero that got given the shaft...because WB suits are a bunch of misogynistic pigs, and always have been.

It makes a fuckton more sense than spending billions on some jock bullshit like a stadium!

It wasn’t directed by Zack Snyder—therefore, it’s automatically much better than most of the DCEU!

Thank you, this is just so much FUD being tossed around by some fake-”journalist” who should be slinging mud on Fox News.

in fairness to the Chuck star, this is a drum he’s been beating for a while. Earlier this month, he shared a video from himself on a podcast to Instagram wherein he criticizes the United States’ lax or nonexistent standards concerning pharmaceutical advertising across the board. He has not specifically made

I don’t even think Home Improvement got to go to Disneyland like the other sitcoms!

Not that big a stretch given how hard Disney tried to make Tim Allen into a family-friendly star. 

Possible, but there are a few things that have to be worked out first:

This smells like a “red meat” prosecution from a Right Wing state against a known “Libburl” actor like Baldwin....

I have a bad feeling this has less to do with what’s out there now than with Hasbro not being able to show they vigorously defended their copyrights and trademarks in court.

So he’s starting up his own legal weed business?

Soon as the James Cameron haters (you know who you are) stop acting like dicks and apologize—not for being wrong, but for being so dickish about it.

I said A:TWoW would probably be a hit, but I’ve been in the greys for so long I doubt anybody knows I’m here any more....

Given it’s on Peacock not watching it is even easy, because.... Who has Peacock, anyway?