When it’s Mr. Zsasz Zaslav?
When it’s Mr. Zsasz Zaslav?
For a few years there, UK film critic Mark Kermode and his on-air presenter Simon Mayo gleefully appropriated the nickname a fan’s son gave Butler, “Shutup Buttwad!” That was during the period Butler was professionally faceplanting in misjudged rom-coms like The Ugly Truth, The Bounty Hunter and Playing for Keeps;…
Yes, Miss Marple!
And I reiterate—how long is enough?
How about seeing a sexually predatory bully finally get what’s coming to him as “long enough”, hmmm?
Whoa—that’s...unfortunate, hearing Denzel Washington behaved like that.
Actually, he didn’t say “That’s why we did it in Special Forces”, because that would be against the Official Secrets Act.
Usually those actors have an element of pathos to their villainy, and were/are capable of convincing playing decent people when given the chance.
As I keep saying about Bill Murray, “My surprise. Let me show you the lack of it.”
He does need to answer for Chet Haze.
It’s not quite an open secret that Tom Hanks has the nasty habit of torturing hobos to death in his basement.
He did manage to produce Chet.
I’ll take a firehouse of the blood of rich, thanks!
And what’s the caliber of movie or television show Scott Eastwood’s generally in? An outlier like Pacific Rim: Uprising aside (I have no idea why director Stephen S. DeKnight cast him!), he’s mostly got minor supporting roles in major movies that take advantage of how he looks a bit like a young Clint Eastwood, and…
Nepotism gave Colin Hanks and “Chet Haze” a foot in the doorway—but look at Jim Mitchum, Dino Martin, Desi Arnaz, Jr., Lucie Arnaz, Ricky Nelson, Ronnie Burns or Denise Crosby. All of them had movie/television star parents (well, grandparent in Denise Crosby’s case), and all of them failed to remotely reach the…
Yes, exactly! Stupid fun, with Nic Cage as a narcissistic Count Dracula and Awkafina (again) as the gal pal who steps up when needed.
Cocaine was pretty common in the late 19th-early 20th Centuries, injectable as well as snorted.