D.R. Darke

I am...shocked to read this....

Or maybe YOU aren’t.

Says the raging transphobe.

I loved Netscape Navigator.


Shouldn’t this headline read, “Good Riddance, Microsoft Internet Explorer!”?

They did, but—

Actually, Lloyd, Jeff and Beau Bridges were/are all Coast Guard veterans—as was the character Lloyd Bridges is best known for, Mike Nelson in SEA HUNT.

Oh, Taika, Taika, Tiaka...you have no idea of the meatgrinder you just stuck your best pal into.

Yes, absolutely LoT has a DOCTOR WHO vibe—right down to casting a former Companion as its initial lead!

I guess Sam was one of the exceptions; I do not hold any ill will toward him for it

Probably because Madison, WI is a college town, so they could hire smart young writers cheap.

Cruel...but Fair.

Beginning life as the back-page supplement to a satirical newspaper and later setting up a home base in Chicago—a city that prides itself on rejecting the mainstream appeal of the coasts—The A.V. Club built its reputation on being a website that preferred to be a little outside.

Geez, no WONDER nobody’s reading your life story!

Just when you hope it won’t be needed any longer, John Scalzi’s column about Straight White Men and Gaming becomes relevant again (https://whatever.scalzi.com/2012/05/15/straight-white-male-the-lowest-difficulty-setting-there-is/ ).


Or they work for Hack Frauds like Alex Kurtzman and keep destroying beloved franchises.

She considers herself a Statue of the World.

What’s even funnier was how many Brits were convinced she was American!