Not to mention completely soulless, devoid of charm and creepy AF.
Not to mention completely soulless, devoid of charm and creepy AF.
Disney and Mr. Delicious, OldManOfTheMountain?
Yeah, that is one of Netflix’s strangest strategies, Turbotastic, ditching successful shows after three/four seasons because they’re not getting new subscribers watching them, and ditching promising shows after one season! I get that they think if it’s not drawing new subscribers it’s not paying for itself, but that…
He’s out of prison, and his PR people are treating it as a Victory for Racial Justice(!!!) rather than “Sprung on a technicality”.
He was hugely influential in the Sixties and Seventies even before his sitcom, Uselessbeauty! I think the first record albums my family had with Black man on the cover were Cosby’s comedy albums. He was an icon to Black and White people alike, and when he got his Doctorate in Education in the late Seventies we all…
I remember the “Spanish Fly” bit, which seemed hilariously “transgressive” coming out of Cosby’s family-friendly mouth in 1969. That was the year the original Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex (But Were Afraid to Ask) book by Dr. David Reuben came out, so suddenly my Mom and Aunt are talking openly about…
I didn’t realize that When you Finish Saving the World was written and directed by Jesse Eisenberg. In some ways it sounds like exactly the kind of movie he would make as a filmmaker, but it also sounds more thoughtful and nuanced than you’d (okay, I’d) think he was capable of....
TGGP, agreed — but what’s your thesis statement here? I feel like you started writing about something about the inherent conservatism of horror regarding this new wave of Woman-directed/and Woman of Color-directed horror, but weren’t able to finish.
How about Dawes Butler channeling Andy Griffith...?
$40M buys VFX on that are sub-STAR TREK: DISCOVERY?
Well, Sean McNamera also directed the Direct-to-Netflix version of Bruce Coville’s Aliens Ate My Homework , co-starring William Shatner(!) and with a cameo by the author as the school’s grumpy principal. It wasn’t bad (T and I saw a showing hosted by Coville), if cheaper than this movie looks....
::passes around the watermelon edibles::
I have some watermelon edibles — will those do?
So — the original, un-Snyderized version of Aquaman, Diabolik?
H.P. Lovecraft’s A Christmas Carol, Zircon the Blue?
Bonnie Tyler and Celine Dion did a really good job interpreting Steinman, too — though, yeah, you sometimes wondered how “It’s All Coming Back to Me Now” or “Faster Than the Speed of Night” would sound if Meat Loaf was singing them...
I tried to describe BAT OUT OF HELL to a friend who’d not yet heard it, and the best description I could come up with was “Springsteen by way of Wagner”.
Was it while you were kissing him...?
For $49, I’ve found the Kindle Fire 7 to just fine for what we need it to do - stream music, occasionally shop Amazon, and even more occasionally write a few quick e-mails when my laptop’s not close by.
For $49, I’ve found the Kindle Fire 7 to just fine for what we need it to do - stream music, occasionally shop…