D.R. Darke

Eilish flashed up a picture of 16-year-old Colin Jost to illustrate her point that nobody wants to be judged on who they were back then. Serious “but he was such a quiet boy” vibes in that picture.

It’s — not bad, actually. I kind of liked “Kick the Can”, which is really The Most Spielberg Spielberg movie...if by that you mean Steven Spielberg Meets Ray Bradbury and They Become The Wonder Twins....

OMG, Keanu Reeves really is just Ted Preston as a middle-aged man.

Naw, he seems to like playing John Wick! Probably figures it’s better than a few hours of intense cardio for keeping himself in shape....

That’s an even better explanation of NFTs than Quark’s to Odo — which is also damned good.

Exactly! It’s like hearing Stanley Kubrick still hailed as a “genius” after finding out how horribly he treated Shelley Duvall, Scatman Crothers and Danny Lloyd on the set of The Shining, or listening to Darren Aronofsky rank out of his former girlfriend Jennifer Lawrence after putting her through Hell so he could

Mary Pickford, it’s a little like how we reacted to Bill Clinton over the Monica Lewinsky affair in the Nineties versus how it seems now. Then it was so obviously Republicans looking for an excuse to kill Bill Clinton and Humiliate Hillary Just to Watch Them Die that none of us thought to ask, “How does Monica

I have to laugh at all the dudes who come out of the woodwork to defend Yet Another Entitled “Intense” Asshole Dude like Jeremy Strong.

I’ve worked with enough “intense” assholes who consider it part of their “Process” to be abusive and generally impossible to be around to not feel much sympathy for the likes of Yet Another Intense Asshole like Jeremy Strong.

Sorry, but you do know that you can get a TCL Series 4 television, same size with identical features, for about $70 less than that Samsung?

Sorry, but you do know that you can get a TCL Series 4 television, same size with identical features, for about $70

Yes, but I want to be the screenwriter who combines that with John Wick vs. Dracula!

they can keep trucking along like supervillains plotting world domination from island lairs is a modern concern (which they have also tried).

$6M box office, according to Wikipedia and The Numbers. No mention of the budget, but if it were even $1M I’d be really surprised — the closest the film had to “name” actors were Fred Ward who’d had supporting roles in the Clint Eastwood hit Escape from Alcatraz and the unsuccessful but well-regarded Southern Comfort,

Wouldn’t that be Richard Lester who directed A Hard Day’s Night and Help!, two movies which THE MONKEES was an Americanized, Safe-For-Television version of?

The obit mentioned he’d produced Repo Man.

I agree, Uselessbeauty — The Snyder Cut worked...to my considerable surprise. I think DC didn’t know WTF they wanted other than applause, because Snyder was giving them what they’d asked for — a big epic movie with lighter moments interspersed.

Marvel has made bad movies before, but none of those movies made me feel like I should stop watching Marvel movies the way this one did.

Horse costume...or Pony Girl costume?

Much harder, The Kinja Caffeine Spider.

The first time I ever saw Miriam Margoyles was on MISS FISHER’S MURDER MYSTERIES, as Phryne’s terribly proper but loving Aunt Prudence. I had no idea watching the show that she was a well-known lesbian activist in the U.K. as well as a highly-regarded actress — I didn’t even know she was English at that time, figuring