D.R. Darke

I went on a Sunday night...to a Movie Tavern, so the theater only had about a half-dozen people in it, all scattered around. Big (but not IMAX) screen, Dolby Atmos sound...and sadly no service to your seat, so I never got up to get popcorn or even a burger.

Is Jodorowsky even still alive?

Huh — this is interesting: In 2018 Germany expanded its tax rebate system for VFX houses to get between 25%-45% rebate for movies partially shot and VFX work done in Germany, while in the U.S. IRS Revenue Code Section 181 was reinstated for another five years for movies that are 75% shot in the U.S. to expense out

Yeah, that dried up about a decade or more ago — that’s why Dr. Uwe Boll (seriously) became a restauranteur.

For never being caught out being wrong, even though they almost always are?

I don’t think Polygon is a “fading pop culture site”, given they’re not being slowly destroyed by Kinja....

A lot of us are over on Nathan Rabin’s Happy Place (https://www.nathanrabin.com/ ) which, if you can get past every third article being about his crippling depression, has a lot of what we used to love about the AV Club!


I take it you’re a German native, Old Man Schultz?

Yeah, Melissa McCarthy’s price went up since she got those Oscar nominations....

people... who do watch his movies and think they’re cool.

“Who asked for this?” is never a valid critique.

Because why would I want to watch a not charismatic person play at being an action star? Look at Scott Eastwood — aside from the fact that he’s a dead ringer for his old man at least half the time and better-looking the rest of the time, moves well and is in the prime of his life, he barely registers in anything he’s

Now playing

Why did I hear that in Rich Evans’s voice, Sassy After Death...?

Would you believe he’s Big in Germany? According to The Bouffant of all Knowledge Wikipedia, Matthias Schweighöfer is an award-winning actor and director over there:

Now playing

“I saw a Guild Navigator...crawling along the edge of a straight razor...and surviving. That was my dream...That was my...horror...”

Yes, but you can’t yield to a superior box office under the Amtal Rule — you can only fight it to the death.

Agreed - I saw it this evening at a Movie Tavern which didn’t have IMAX, but did have a big screen and Dolby Atmos audio (which we don’t have on our UHD TV!), and there were only about a dozen people in the theater.

Is that why The Last Duel got such a lame release?

Stellan Skarsgård channels Marlon Brando in Apocalypse Now!