D.R. Darke

I kind of like Red Letter Media’s take on a lot of stuff, especially Alex Kurtzman crapping all over STAR TREK, Zack Snyder crapping all over DC’s main superheroes, and how while The Force Awakens was enjoyable, it’s really a STAR WARS Greatest Hits Album. But that’s my take — your mileage clearly varies.

Reglidan, you’re presupposing a story was actually created, rather than what felt like an okay, I guess episode of WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAY? — with really expensive digital VFX added.

I kind of doubt he means the original movie.

Caught me out! I’m a Colonial Commoner, Medium-Term Listener — and as you rightly surmised, I have never heard of the show Question of Sport.

The hairpiece is dead, Jim!

That’s what James Bond needs — more Chief O’Brien!

There’s a reason they’re often called “four-letter words”, MiFroChi....

Quantity of Sport

My first thought was, “Almost anybody”, but then I remembered it’s a 007 movie and she’s the Bond Girl he ends the movie with.

Uhhhh - I can’t even....

Captain Sisko? I thought you told Kasidy and Jake you were Communing with The Prophets, not shilling for IBM...!

Kind of like Kurt Russell and Peter Fonda surfing down Wilshire Boulevard, you mean?

And Brosnan couldn’t have done it without Dalton paving the way for him! It’s clear that the original idea behind hiring Pierce Brosnan was so Cubby Broccoli could have Moore of the Same after Timothy Dalton’s darker flavor of Bond, but both Brosnan and the writers didn’t really want that.

I had forgotten Barsanti wrote this review!

Oh, great, The Kinja Caffeine Spider!

Oh, Tom Cruise is going, too — he’s just riding outside of the ship!

Well, there’s been a lot of documentary footage shot in space, but I don’t know about any narrative films....

Not if you think about it — zero-gravity puts a lot less stress on the patient than being on Earth at 1 G does. Admittedly the doctor needs to practice and make sure s/he adapts to things like scalpels and bodily fluids floating around, and not being able to use gravity to push blood or plasma through the patient, but