You know Tarantino SO well, Fighter of the Nightman....
You know Tarantino SO well, Fighter of the Nightman....
::remembers I had to quit both drinking and smoking::
No, the good Weasel Man!
I shouldn’t be surprised — I saw The Suicide Squad in a theater with my best friend, and we loved it!
No, it would not be.
That’s what you think!
Haven’t we known Teflon was bad for you for ages already?
Whiskey and pineapple juice, obviously.
Now, why do I want Daniel Craig to play Black Philip all of a sudden...?
Murry Chang, I hope you feel appropriately sheepish about that joke....
C’mon — even Blumhouse doesn’t just release horror movies!
Well, given it’s Emily Ratajkowski’s story and not Robin Thicke’s?
Somewhere, Tom Hanks is slapping Chet Haze until his head spins around, and saying, “Don’t even think about doing that, bucko!”
Gotta say, Pseudo — you might want to rethink how you phrased that. It really sounds like you’re on the side of the douchebros who do that kind of thing....
The shock is that...I’m not shocked in the slightest to hear this.
Gevult! Some of the hate from the Left increasingly smells of badly-hidden anti-Latinx racism. Did they really think a junior Congresswoman arrayed against the likes of “Ice Cream Fridge” P-Lousy and Schumck Schumer, the Senator from Wall Street & AIPAC, would just waltz in and change everything?
Jost got his groans in a joke about Catholics seeking religious exemptions from vaccinations: “What’s more Catholic than letting someone else die for your sins?
It was, Cura Te Ipsum — I know this because I went on a tear at a SF Con panel about I, Robot and how it didn’t bear the slightest resemblance to any of Asimov’s stories, and one of the other panelists piped up with “That’s because it’s not, they had a screenplay about robots trying to take over society, and by…
I read the first three FOUNDATION books — but if you put a gun to my head, I couldn’t really tell you anything that happened in them, other than that the person building the Second Foundation is a middle-aged Jewish dumpling...rather like his creator, Isaac Asimov. He was the only character who stuck in my brain, and…