DGibson, what brontosaurian said.
DGibson, what brontosaurian said.
Try six other women came forward, brontosaurian (I’d heard “eight”, but this Vox story mentions six of them)....
As a writer and filmmaker? I’m glad Public Domain exists, because at least there’s a chance people will still be reading/watching my work after I’m gone.
Because, DGibson, one more time - he was part of the group his sexually predatory brother, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, used to try and wriggle out from under his own accusations.
the worst part about this for any non-Shelley Ross parties is how much the Republicans will use this in so many ways to discredit the media, the Democrats, Italians, people named Chris, and
And even now, KateH, we’re still having these arguments. It feels like “Didn’t we settle this decades ago...?”
And it’s a factor now because he was part of the “Brain Trust” his brother, NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo, used to see if he could talk his own way out of charges of being a sexual predator.
Wink, Wink, Nudge! Nudge!
Proto Man, sounds to me like you’re looking for an excuse to get mad at a woman for reporting a man’s sexually predatory behavior....
I have to say, that Cuomo didn’t fall far from the tree!
Because that way nothing will ever get in the public domain, and as a result your work will die out with you (if not before!) because it’s not worth enough to track you or your descendants down to pay the kind of pittance an out-of-its-time artwork will go for...?
Which is weird because when I was writing for VIDEO Magazine and asked if this fell under “Work for Hire”, my Editor-in-Chief at the time, Brent Butterworth, said, “No, we just take First Serial Rights - after a year you can shop it around if you want.” What was unsaid was that much of what I wrote were product…
When I first saw STAR TREK: THE ORIGINAL SERIES’s episode “Let This Be Your Last Battlefield” in High School or college, I was deeply impressed by the message about race hate. Now I look at it and think it’s cartoonishly blunt, and wonder that Fred Freiberger was so cheap that all they could afford was extra White and…
It read to me less like “He’s an adult playing a teen!” than “He’s the wrong adult to play this teen at this time!”