D.R. Darke

I met him, very briefly, when I first came to NYC in 1980. I was sleeping on a sofa in this guy’s office in the Film Building on Broadway and 53rd Street (no, the other one), and both Van Peebles and Radley Metzgar had offices down the hall from the producer who’d brought me out to start a special-occasion movie

Does come off that way a bit, doesn’t it?

This eulogy for Willie Garson forgot to mention he also had a short, but memorable, role in Being John Malkovich, as the Guy in Restaurant who stops by Malkovich’s table to thank him for his sensitive portrayal of a “retard”(!). It was three minutes of pure cringe comedy....

I don’t, EdKed.

I’ll get that an UP for sheer audacity, Mr. Dalliard.

Is The Cry Who Loved Me taken yet?

No, that belongs to the former Libertarian Reform Party Governor of Minnesota.

Yes, but Bond’s too busy chasing around, killing henchmen and blowing shit up, to just lie down and die like a (retired) good secret agent should.

If that’s her idea of “America”?

Yes, but (thankfully!) nobody asked Arme Hammer to guest-host JEOPARDY!

Levar Burton polls high among STAR TREK fans — and the Venn Diagram of TREK fans and JEOPARDY fans has a lot of overlap, Bruce from Missouri.

I like the way you think, starvenger88....

Guilty on that score — I kind of stopped watching a year ago because I didn’t want to see Alex Trebek die right in front of me.

I wish this country cared as much about the competency of our Presidents as much as we care about their moral purity, or the moral purity of game show hosts.

Put me down for loving her in Royal Wedding, playing a lightly-fictionalized version of Fred Astaire’s sister Adele, right down to marrying a nobleman (played here by That Most Californian of Englishman, Peter Lawford).

Sir, Sam Barsanti is actually an Arby’s.

Well, he’s still drinking beer with the RLM crew, so I question how complete his rehab is?

Now playing

It’s like a lot of the “science” in STAR TREK: DISCOVERY, isn’t it, Hiemoth? “Pointless Technobabble, More Pointless Technobabble, Completely Pulled-Out-of-Our-Ass Solution because — SCIENCE, Bitches!” It as if all the problem-solving in TNG and DS9 were reduced to saying “science-y”-sounding things rather than

had Wakanda intervened in the slave trade, is it possible Wakanda would have been conquered by the combined mights of the European, Middle Eastern and Asian powers?

Well, if Die Hard can be a Christmas movie, why can’t HAWKEYE be a Christmas television special?