D.R. Darke

I am there for this version, Jamie.

sethsez, I don’t entirely agree with your assessment, but you lay down some really convincing arguments in favor of it.

No, Jamie — by all means, promise them!

I’d give it a while still, Bad Kuchi Kopi....

And half the time, a fat suit to show how much more in control of their bodies they are now.

Ya got it!

Yes, but nobody blames Nolan for ZackSnyder!, because of the Utter Snyder-Ness of his work. Man of Steel doesn’t look like a Christopher Nolan movie at all, despite how Superman seems to be a Nolanesque hero -- it utterly looks, and feels, like a ZackSnyder! joint...smoked all the way down until the roach burns your

Culkin’s better-looking, even as he openly rocks looking middle-aged and dissolute....

things occasionally reversing while everyone runs in random directions in what looks like for all the world a rock quarry (to continue the Doctor Who comparisons).

Good point, Sktroop.

Yes, Sktroop — he’s talking to Russia now about buying an old, small nuclear warhead and renovating Siberia so it looks like the New Mexico desert.

Nilus, I still maintain the reason Nolan demands his movies be seen on the big screen is so he can dazzle audiences with his amazing setpieces, and they won’t consider how his ideas are kind of second-hand and half-baked....

I like where your head is at, Brick HardMeat.

That’s a good point, sethsez — the description is far too convoluted for what amounts to Wibbledy-Wobbledy, Timey-Wimey...Stuff.

[Tenet]’s the worst kind of mess, busy and empty at the same time, focused on the mechanics of its gimmick with all the single-minded intensity of a YouTube “What Happened At The End Of...” explanation video but still not quite nailing it.

Kinja sucks since I can’t see this pending reply

Tenet needed the big screen to wow people — I watched it on my 55" 4K w/Dolby Vision home theater...and by the end of it I saying “Spoilers, Sweetie” every time Nigel opened his mouth.

I won’t — Nolan, for all is flaws, is a genuine filmmaker.

Yes, but that’s akin to saying “Well, Francis Ford Coppola’s partially responsible for directors shooting in underlit rooms thanks to The Godfather !” As with Coppola, the difference is that Christopher Nolan genuinely is the stylistic filmmaker Zack Snyder keeps pretending he is....

Zircon the Blue....