D.R. Darke

Nice Strawman.

The gendered part was their not even bothering to negotiate and butthurt response, which reads like the “Deflect to COVID” variant on the same response they gave Shonda Rhimes.

May I introduce you to the people who voted for Boris Johnson, the English Prime Minister...?

I think Disney would have, at least, made a show of pretending to negotiate with any of those guys before screwing them over, Chimichanga.

That’s right — this is the second time in recent memory that Disney’s publicly come out with an official statement regarding a woman creative negotiating for a raise that sounds jaw-dropping misogynistic.

Jeez, I’m a guy — I’m a guy who’s retirement age!

More likely, they just unilaterally gave her a payment and said, “Be happy we’re giving you that much!”

And she’d already headlined a hit action movie, Lucy.

Clearly he’s arguing just that, Rollo Tomassi.

I have to wonder if these trolls actually care, or if they’re just brought in by Disney to muddy the waters....

Yeah, you’re wrong — Johansson didn’t want people to risk their lives (as you allege) just so she’d benefit.

Or get vaccinated!

Boy, gogiggs — your White Male resentment over a successful woman suing to get what she’s owed it absolutely...Trumpian in its pissy, petty hatred.

Well, looks like I might have been right when I said in response to yesterday’s article on this subject, “if the first Marvel movie to be released in the dying days of Pandemic Season starred, say, Robert Downey, Jr.? You can bet that they would’ve been furiously negotiating with his management to get them, and him,

I did not know that, davidcgc.

Sorry, I’m just envisioning Gracie Allen hosting a quiz show...while George Burns stands at the edge of the stage, smoking a cigar and offering color commentary....

He’s a TREK icon, which means he has the Nerd Vote down cold. And he was the host of READING RAINBOW, so all the then-kids who watched him would love to see him again as adults....

Yes, which is why her management’s suing now, Anthony Pirtle. This should have been negotiated by Disney and her people at least six months ago, not left for the film to underperform so Disney can go “Sorry, you didn’t earn enough in theaters to get any sort of bonus! And streaming? We don’t have to show you those

Actually, it kind of does, LaurenceQ — if the first Marvel movie to be released in the dying days of Pandemic Season starred, say, Robert Downey, Jr.? You can bet that they would’ve been furiously negotiating with his management to get them, and him, to sign off on day-and-date.