D.R. Darke

Exactly, Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope.

So — you’d name your kid something you knew they’d get bullied over, and say “It’s your problem, not mine!”?

Yeah, I don’t get that one at all -- you’ve got Greta Gerwig, let Greta Gerwig narrate herself.

Yeah, Karen — but you dropped trou and showed yourself to be a Trumper by treating “leftist” as a Pejorative.


Pardon me, Parliamentarian of Crows — but I want to speak to your Manager.

They came up with it early on? Probably at that point they thought Robin and Ted were each other’s OTP, and they figured whoever they cast as “The Mother” wouldn’t be so instantly appealing to the audience that we’d be going “Robin? Who is this ‘Robin’ of which you speak...?”

Kinja is ungreying Trump Nazi trolls all on its own to encourage “engagement”.

Guys? I think we found his second Upvote.

So...freedom is dying as your lungs, and the lungs of your loved ones, fill with fluid in your twisted universe?

Perhaps an immunity to Olympic fever is one of the side effects of Pfizer....

You had to go and remind me, Frank Walker Barr....

Which is provincial as Hell, Dr. Bob, given the USofA comprises 330 million of the 7.85 Billion people of Earth.


but Netflix isn’t so sure about this “sports” thing that some people like.

Even if it’s from the trailer, it’s still a point that needs to be made so you understand WTF’s going on here. Damon’s character isn’t dueling the man who raped his wife out of any love for her — he’s only doing it because Driver took something that by law and custom are his, period.

Wait — wasn’t this movie supposed to be starring Damon and Affleck as well as being written by them?

none of the bad guys have even a whisper of a personality (unless you count “looking especially skeevy” as personality).

Just remember to keep your phone’s security patches up to date — why should we suffer for their willful stupidity?

Yep, that’s just what I thought when I heard about an “uncensored” App Store, too.