D.R. Darke

I second what Drew says here — I can’t find who responded to my comments or even which comments were liked based on the NOTIFICATIONS page! These modifications are utter garbage....

all the best minds would have been able to find a workaround for dilithium.

Well, Apple TV+ has locked up the vaguely-liberal Dad market between Greyhound, FOR ALL MANKIND, the upcoming FOUNDATION (based on the award-winning, seventy-year old novels of Isaac Asimov!), and TED LASSO (who all those Dads wish they were like!). So... let the conservative Dads have crap Netflix show like THE CREW

No, he’s really not, Evan Waters. We’ve got a AMC & a Regal (and nothing else, really) where I live now, which is like having a McDonald’s and an Arby’s as your sole dining experiences.


Kevin James’s gambling debts must be massive.

I laughed when they included THE SANTA CLARITA DIET to the list of “bullshit shows”.

And, when they were talking about “The Future!”, the Looked-Modern-in-the-1960s design of LA International Airport’s Main Terminal.

Well-played, Sir.

1989? More like 1976!

Oh, Maymar!

And if they’d had pictures of that, Frank Walker Barr? The ad would be a lot better!

Nonsense! Some people here are failed Graphic Designers, too!

The difference is that I ♥️NY went all in on everything people loved about NYC — Broadway, Bloomingdale’s, the Empire State Building and (then-standing) World Trade Center, and they had a marvelous grab-bag of New York types cheerfully saying “I LOVE NEW YORK!”, from the cast of CATS to The Rockettes to Liz Taylor to

Good one, triohead!

Yes, but the problem with Florida is...Floridians live there. Right-Wing Voting, Bigoted as Fuck, Floridians.

Suddenly, the HOBBES & BACON cartoon starts to make sense....

Except for Cincinnati, which has some crazy-great chili!

Uh — because it looks like something my younger brother made in Industrial Arts Class back in the 1970s...in less than an hour...zoned out of his mind on a couple bowls of Wahakin...

Does seem kind of pointless, doesn’t it, MamaKinj?