It’s -- better than Lucent Technologies’ “Brown Ring of Quality”...?
It’s -- better than Lucent Technologies’ “Brown Ring of Quality”...?
Too many, or too few, cuzn ed?
Must be a generational thing — half the time, if it’s now from an outfit I know, I don’t click on videos.
Nobody should really have high expectations for a logo designed for a city, because nobody gives a shift
post 50 Shades it feels like anyone with an internet connection ought to know the basics about safe words and agreed limits and things by now.
Netflix claims its algorithm told them people started dropping away from watching shows after 3-4 seasons, so a show had to pull in a huge viewership for it make it to Season 4 or 5 (like STRANGER THINGS or — LUCIFER, apparently).
TRAVELERS was great, right up until the final episode, “Protocol Omega”, which felt like they were told they were being cancelled and had better use the season ending to wrap things up.
Wouldn’t that be The Beautician and the Beast, only with 100% less Timothy Dalton to exasperatedly fall in love with her?
Sadly, no — they all actually exist.
Like Guy Caballero, she only uses the wheelchair for respect.
Trust me, Skipskatte, you didn’t miss a thing.
You made it further than I did then, hcd4! Between the fake steam (I don’t even think they bothered with CGI, they just superimposed someone blowing cigarette smoke over the shot and pretended it was stream), the bad acting, and...was that dialogue actually supposed to be funny?
“Terrible” implies some thing that arouses an emotion — even if that emotion is fear, loathing, or utter hatred.
I kept trying to watch it, and it just wasn’t connecting.
Thank you, Mr. Toobin.
I honestly thought Kevin James was in KEVIN CAN FUCK HIMSELF.
They’re still trying to make Katherine McPhee happen, aren’t they?
I knew BONDING did was a comedy about BDSM.