Dr. Nemmo

And then he became (insert famous, hated name in here).

This article lacks the subject's view. People who have survived intentional self-injuries tell that they don't loose consciousness inmediately. It all depends on which area of the brain you are hit.

"So, I've heard that Osama died. Good news indeed; I always found his sense of fashion rather drab."

The only question here is: will it blend?

@Ayo: True dat. I also live in South America, so my chances to get involved are sitting and reading it on the internet.

That pen needs to be circumcised.

Obama not only did watch the footage. He remotely pulled the trigger and controlled the team via neurosurgical implants.

These aren't tactical unless they can hold a full fledged desktop PC.

The musical explanation for number 1 is the abundance of tritones. Those are intrinsecally disturbing, due to the way they resonate.

Oh, shit, that scared me to death when i was akid, what with the eyes, those freakishly small pupils, jesus.

That's outrageous! They shouldn't use colours to separate people from each other.

Just think: WWBD?

No. You had Bin Laden and his murderous plots upon NY before superheroes appeared.

Mmmmhhh... prostitutes.

-Take off...his mask!

It works well, and I'm using a Canon IP1300. Nothing fancy.

Or we can gattacca our way out of here.

What... What the heck is this? I'm sorry, I might be confused, but what i just saw was an hybrid between Superman, Deep Impact, 300, Sheena Warrior Princess, a gay orgy, Troy, some movie with a Kraken, or a video game without Kratos in it.

Exactly. It's a hard plastic container which is divided in four chambers which contain ink (black, yellow, cyan and unicorn blood). Each chamber is connected to a small plastic hose, which in turn is connected to a standard ink cartridge (the model depends on your printer).