Dr. Nemmo

I just bought a Nikon D3100, so this kinda turns me on. In a sexual way. But the price kinda turns me down. I'm going for a skanky, cheaper tele lens.

My brother died of AIDS 5 years ago. Any step in this direction is good.

Transformers 3 is gonna be so awesome.

I live in Chile, we have some version of the recluse web spider called the Araña de Rincón (Corner Spider) which is pretty lethal. However, there are Tiger Spiders (i think that they are called Wolf Spiders up there) which eat them.

That is so cool.

Short height, long life ?

As a doctor, i tell you it's really hard to stablish a certain "time to live". Most of the time it's just guessing. However having an hepatic cancer and then a transplanct means that you are living on borrowed time.

@me_eit: I'm a psychiatrist. I have an iPod and an iPad and at least three computers in my house, and my daughters don't have autism.

Blowjobs and diamonds work well too.

I'd like one for my iPad.

Goodbye Yahoo Answers !

@Zubieta: That's why they invented velcro.

#2 looks like porn.

@Mark 2000: ^deserves a heart. If things were like that all the time, i wouldn't have had lasik.

Where do we go to pay his bail ? We salute you, sir.

I'm an overuser. And this was a well done classification.