Dr. Nemmo

Yeah but a jail has less crack cocaine and sodomy.

Funny Fact of the Day: If you google for Sport Hooker you get Carrot Top.

@fifteen_sunrises: oh, Jesus, don't. We are still cleaning the place after the Galaxy Tab fiasco.

The phrase isn't mine, but clearly they have applied colours to this camera the same way Helen Keller masturbated— indiscriminately and with an unbreakable positive spirit.

@Kakkoii: rubber is probably the worst material to build a mug with :)

@bkld18: LOL, my first colour TV was a Quasar. Imported right from the USA to Chile. It was worth US$1200 back then in 1978....

Binga stole my car, also!

This sounds more like a command than a heads-up.

Ah, come on, we all know why are they doing these scans.

@Zerø: Laughing out loud here. Y U NOT STOP ROLLING !!!!

@Ferg633: That's the Freeman Effect. Put Morgan Freeman at the end of a joke and that's what happens.

I'll have to rename all my gif files. I've been pronouncing them "GEEF" since 1996.