Dr. Nemmo

I'd rather have them improving the integration with Youtube. It's useless for half of the videos. Why does my iPad identify itself as a mobile device, ruining the chance to watch a non-mobile video, even if i'm using WiFi?

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: It's a Volkswagen. They think they are Mercedes. And it's an hybrid. Draw your own conclusions. The Chevy Volt Is $41000. And it's a Chevy.

@sweet greggo: i should probably clarify that i live in Chile. I don't know about USA, but here it was dead for the whole day.

I remember the internet was down for a whole day during 9/11/2001.

@delagato: because this article ain't about the politics.

I'd like an hybrid, but not at those prices. I can't be an early adopter when it comes to cars.

Now playing

I don't care 'cause every droid is like Soundwave.

@Se7en_speed: this. Internet isn't a human right, the right to free-speech is.

@dreamsilentmusic: Got The Funk On, bro. That was what he meant. GTFO. :)

THE EYES OF THE CHILDREN! This is apparently the standard argument of every luddite out there. The iPad must be damaging those developing eyes. The Nintendo is making everybody blind, and let's not forget how every generation before ours went absolutely blind by watching too much TV. As did the rapid movement of

@Scott Jackson: that's because he's a bad doctor. People forget checking for classic signs and go for CTs and lab exams. TOUCH that abdomen, FFS.

Well, that's easy then. I'm going AMD 'cause fuck Will I Am.

Well, they are, uhm, pretty much the same. Apparently Panthro is now scottish but what do I know.

@Apotheosis: that's exactly the problem. "Yeah, i know how this works" has led me to have a lot of non-working appliances in my house :)

@wireman121: it's pretty easy: you take a piece of another bridge, put it on a sterile Petri plate with adequate temperature, nutrients and oxygen. If you keep the bacteria and fungus away in a couple of months you'll have another bridge.

As a doctor i can tell you that dealing with engineers is a pain in the nether regions :) Basically they come up with non-working solutions for every problem, given that they usually don't know about a lot of physiological mechanisms (ask me how to build a bridge, and i'll come up with some expensive and non-working

Very Kubrick. I like it.