Dr. Nemmo

@theseraph: I wonder if it's legal to marry a phone, because if this one is ever produced, i want it to have my kids.

This is another perfect example on how a good design beats raw power. For a couple of decades software designers have relied on the machines coming with better hardware instead of focusing on better coding.

There is a Robocock. And he's very serious about his job.

Great video, and the "to be continued" bit made me happy.

@DeadWriter: The pen is mightier than the sword if the sword is very short, and the pen is very sharp.

Mr. Pratchett seriously deserves a sword forged from falling stars. His literary work takes you from the realms of fantasy to outer space, sprinkling humour and touching stories in the way.

Probably the weakest point is the price. For US$ 1200 i'd get an iPad and an iPhone, and i'd get more battery life.

@Scenick: Don't worry. Once you buy the Samsung Galaxy Tablet you'll have nothing on your back right pocket.

Gentlemen, we have in our hands the definitive proof of the existence of the Luminiferous Aether ! Soon we will be able to launch our steam-powered machines towards the stars. Great Lord, the nineteenth century will be filled with majestic wonders.

Seriously, we need to forget stuff. The key to changing our behaviour is forgetting past rewards or negative reinforcements. The RGS14 probably is a regulator in this process, not necessarily a "make you dumb" gene. However if we can change how this gene expresses itself we could solve problems ranging from

I see it more useful as a medical spray-on bandage. Perfectly sterile and at the same time it lets water and oxygen pass through.

@Chris Rodney: I don't know about Airport Express. The power adaptor is the size of a standard cellphone charger.

`Be that word our sign of parting, bird or fiend!' I shrieked upstarting -

Two words: bike Segway. It's doomed to fail.

What ? No "one Ring to rule them all" jokes ?

Nokia: three tips - touchscreens, connectivity, apps.

This points to an unspoken truth: who cares if you don't have brains if you have money.

I have a brain the size of a planet, and all they do is use it to play silly games. Sigh.