Yeah, but this shitty conservative president has both houses of Congress and the SCOTUS. They can and will do things no decent person would dream of.
Yeah, but this shitty conservative president has both houses of Congress and the SCOTUS. They can and will do things no decent person would dream of.
If only there was some magical way for you not to read the articles you aren’t interested in.
Up until that point, I had never understood that messages could be delivered without words.
This just confirms to everyone reading that your fan base truly is one of the worst things in sports.
Losing indeed does pull fans together. Fans from all over the country and from all walks of life came together in celebration of that Seahawks loss.
Brown shoes with a blue suit is 100% fine.
I really hate to defend that suit and shoes combo, but the colors are fine.
So this guy was attempting to pass your car, so you sped up to prevent him from passing you, forcing him to make the dramatic maneuver so he can make his turn. Then you get out of your car to confront him while he is in a car with his family?
I believe so much in “America” that I cry foul when you don’t stand for our national anthem, yet I will threaten to overthrow the government if the election doesn’t go my way.