35 sandcastles

If I'm not giving Kim the credit when Kanye drops some fire new music, I'm not going to give her the blame when he shows his ass. I'm not putting it on his mom dying almost a decade ago either. He's a grown ass man and I'm not going to blame the women around him for his actions 

The real shame is that no one has daughters. So no one can ever envision their daughter being assaulted and someone else’s son getting clean away with it, because people only care about the men

It’s weird because I’m a straight male that’s no stranger to playing the field when single, but go ahead with.......whatever it is you’re on about

This is fair. I agree with you in feeling that Lawrence was genuinely interested in going to church. And that he’s not technically leading her on, as much as it is that she’s clearly interested in him and he’s being respectful.

I had to Google Pick-Me. That’s not how she came across to me in her scenes but it’s early (even tho there’s only one more episode, wtf?). Mostly I felt that Lawrence was still being his same old wishy washy self, leading chicks on without setting whatever boundaries or ground rules that he really wants. If she’s on

I forgot that this show is only 8 episodes until you mentioned it. That’s too short! I wish they’d decide if they want this to be a show about Issa and Molly or an ensemble show or a show about the will they-won’t they of Issa and Lawrence (I hope it’s not the last one), be there’s not enough time for Daniel’s music

I could really use some sort of clarification from someone at the Root as to why that description was used in this post

But.....at any point, either party is entitled to change the rules of engagement. She tried it his way and it didn’t work for her. Just because she agreed to it at first doesn’t mean he has some right to keep expecting her to serve his needs.

What the fuck with the "masculine of center appearing person" line? 

You’re conveniently skipping the part where Molly set up her own ground rules so that she could better navigate their fuckbuddy status and Dro not only purposely ignored them, he acted childish and selfish when he was called out on violating her ground rules.

He did time in prison and lost approximately $100 million, then came back apologetic and conciliatory. At what point can his debt to society be considered paid?

Wut? How does this make any sense at all? So..........in your world this woman is purposely making an OK symbol? Or......any symbol at all? No possibility that she's just.......standing around with her hands in random positions over the course of hours? 

Positioning my hand that way after reading that line was the first thing I did after reading that line, and agreed, it felt perfectly fine. If I’m sitting in one boring place for hours upon hours I’d imagine cameras would “catch” me hands, arms and legs in all sorts of positions as I pass the time.


I’ve spent all day trying to figure out who would have recorded this video. The son didn’t do it; he said he just happened to see it for the first time recently. She certainly didn’t video herself being dragged around the house. Her alleged abuser wouldn’t have taped himself committing crimes and then left the

Can we please not act like that woman isn’t complete and total trash just because the lie she’s telling today confirms something that we confirms something we already knew? She's garbage. She was lying before and she's lying now and she'll continue to lie as long as it keeps her name being heard 

Absense of DNA doesn't prove that someone didn't do a thing. It just means there's no DNA. If I rob a store and there's no video, that doesn't prove that I didn't rob the store 

When I special order a Mercedes I get a relatively firm time frame for production. Fairly soon after I order I'll have a date when my car is going to begin assembly. And at no point am I worried that Mercedes is running a ponzi scheme until they run out of cash 

Yes, more. $1000+2500=3500. That’s how the math works. You’re subtracting it from the price of the car for some reason, but this additional 2500 doesn’t get you the car. It goes towards your order.

In what world are cars built to spec in 2 weeks?