35 sandcastles

Not even the feedback from the guitars on stage, but someone watching a livestream of the concert 1700 miles away being to "reverse the signal" a killing everyone in the arena via explosion

I was really REALLY hoping that Astrid was working against him and that when he returned to the cabin to apologize that she would suddenly pull a loaded gun and shoot Peter in the head. Roll credits.

She's well trained with that weapon and it's one she chose and loaded herself. As soon as she picked it up she should have immediately noticed the difference in weight between an unloaded gun and one with a full clip. Maybe come up and pull the trigger once going there's a bullet in the chamber but no way she fires 3x

I enjoy Rebels quite a bit but I hated this episode with a passion. Any time a writer has to go Full Idiot Plot to make an episode work they should start the rewrite right away. You can't have it both ways where Hera wipes her droids memory before every mission because she knows it might get hacked and then completely

Remember when Ezra was a jedi and had a lightsaber on his person at all times? Me neither, so instead of cutting his way out of the cargo hold let's let Zeb try to force open a metal door.

"Looks like disabling your chip by EMP causes major brain trauma, but we can check to see if there's damage by simply having you wear this headset thingy. It's totes non-invasive and you can still do work while wearing it. There's literally no drawback at all. Shall I put it on so we can diagnose you before it becomes

How far does this extend. If someone has a large family and one of their children dies from some rare disease, do you not care because they still have more kids than you? If an extremely attractive person gets disfigured in a car accident that wasn't their fault, do you shrug and say so what because they were too

The same day as a plane flying into a tower?

So is 24 Legacy no longer being reviewed?

If you had 20 million dollars and suddenly you were left with one million dollars, your life would SUCK. Not objectively, but comparatively. It would change everything about your current and future life and it would be devastating. And almost impossible to climb back up to that previous level.

Fair enough. We just use the system differently. Until I finally gave up on Walking Dead (after last season's ridiculous 90 do nothing finale), coming to AVC to confirm that my hate of the show was rational was one of my favorite things. If the reviewer was giving put A's and B's like candy i wouldn't have had near as

I can't imagine a way this could go wrong

Well, since the killer was still in the house we can't know exactly what the rest of his plans to set the scene were, can we? He wasn't waiting to ambush Carrie (unless he SUCKS at his job) so he may have been about to eat the rest of that sandwich his damn self, for all I know.

What you don't understand is that almost the only roles available to male middle easterners is that of a terrorist. It's not about people of color occasionally being the bad guy. It's that the only time we see POC represented it's as the bad guy. This has gotten better but it's nowhere near equitable. Not even close.

Happens every week

I wouldn't be so quick to make a case for this show going against conventions when they just had a "I've got the crucial information so meet me at isolated location X to get it….Whoops I'm dead" scene

Fairly certain that murder scene was staged to look like a suicide. Distraught over letting the bomber go blah blah blah. So the gun is the murder weapon and now it's in Carrie's possession, and along with the GPS on her phone and the text with his address, I would say having the gun pretty much does make it worse for

Meanwhile, here in the real world, Muslims aren't doing shit to us but we hate them and have torn their countries all to hell. But now they might be mad about that so let's ban them all, amirite?

"I've got information that will blow this case wide open! But instead of meeting in my secure building with a team of highly motivated, highly skilled agents, let's meet alone. And I won't give you the information until we meet"

I would hate it if the reviewers all had to give positive reviews, even for substandard episodes. As long as the review is honest, it serves as a jumping off point for discussion, good or bad.