35 sandcastles

Terrorist level bombing? You can't possibly be serious. Are you not familiar with the concept of war? They are at war and a Star Destroyer is a military target. There's no war fought in the history of wars where it's been out of bounds to take out enemy weapons, vehicles, transports, supplies, or staff.

Very true. I'm definitely in the camp that prefers it. Even if it's cheesy, it feels much more true to character than her sudden, unearned transformation into an optimistic beacon of hope. Nothing about her life so far would make that part of her character dynamic. Violently orphaned, raised as a rebellion before

The main takeaway for me in this episode is that while her head wrap seems like a cultural piece for the woman to wear, there's nothing about her hearing or her eyesight that means she should be wearing a headphones or goggles EVERY DAMN DAY. None her other people do. I know that's animation shorthand for PILOT!!! but

This is the most Rowan Kaiser review that ever did Rowan Kaiser review. 10/10, Would Read Again

Opening the doors with his bare hands touching the entire handles was killing me too. In my mind I was screaming for him to use a pen or touch the tip with a hanky covered finger or anything. ANYTHING

That would be a season primarily comprised of women. Specifically minority women and white women over 40.

Whitaker's character isn't with the rebels. He's a fanatic splinter group from the rebels. That also seems to have lost his mind. Killing Galen is standard assassination of a high value target. That's solid wartime strategy and not morally ambiguous. It's actually a kindness, when you consider how many maintenance

Was anyone else mentioned again?

What was the morally ambiguous tactic?

I suspect it was closer to that before the reshoots softened her up. Like how the first (and best) trailer had her "you said this was a rebellion. I rebel" scene and the later ones and the movie didn't. Instead we got "rebellions are built on hope!!!"

Is it pointlessly if everyone in a 40 miles radius was also killed less than ten minutes later?

So instead of talking about your desired subject…..you issue threats?

Rollo reintroduced to the Drowned God? Approved.

Which is weird, because I thought Ken's social game was the best thing he had going up until his immunity run at the end. He might not have been loved by everyone but I don't think anyone hated him. And those that liked him seem to like him deeply (but not deep enough to throw a single vote his way). Ken didn't

That was soooooo bizarre. I couldn't decide if I felt worse for her or for Paul, June and Jason (especially Jason) as they tried gamely to ignore her and keep it going.

If it was Viking custom to leave sickly infants to die you can't really hold that against Ragnar. Or at least, his kids and other contemporaries can't.

What even are the other choices? Avian, or something?

YASSSSSSSS. I watched all of season one mostly to make fun of how poorly done it was. This season is great tho. The writers and producers keep it much lighter now and make this show my favorite Arrowverse show to watch. Kudos to whoever decided on the casting changes as well

It was the dialogue and it's delivery. The "baby"s were said too often, with too much emphasis, out of the flow and not in line with the way Curtis normally speaks. I cringed. It was like something out of a badly dubbed Kung fu movie from the 80s. Seriously, watch those scenes again and listen to how he practically

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