
Absolutely agree with the slide on big, lifted pickups with Calvin window decals, truck nutz, and MAGA bumper stickers coal-rolling Prius drivers.

I really want to like this thing, but I can’t get past the unattractive styling... I’m sure the soccer moms in the school drop-off lane will love it.

This is the libertarian, anarcho-capitalist world Musk and his ilk want to create...

I know a fair number of Toyota dealers are scumbags with their “market adjustments” and add-ons, but not all of them. Toyota of Plano, which is a dealership less than a mile from Toyota USA headquarters in Plano, TX, is good about selling stuff w/o that. I guess they have the corporate eye on them and need to maintain

So just where is your dealership, anyway ? :) 

I am no fan of the Vietnam War, but the word “genocide” is over-used on the Left with the same lack of understanding or restraint that “socialism” or “woke” is used on the Right.

A minivan ? Yes, that’s 100% the answer. But a Chrysler ? Recommend something reliable instead, like a Toyota Sienna or Honda Odyssey. Just now on the Toyota website, I saw the Hybrid Sienna XLE for $43K, which is under their stated budget.

That’s some real Trump-supporter small dick energy right there. 

Go for the Prius if you keep your cars any reasonable length of time and are good about performing scheduled maint regularly. Besides, Toyota service centers are all over the place vs. Polestar...

Because it doesn’t fit in to his narrative, of course. 

D/FW area resident here. Can confirm. Big, spread-out, and the highways all around it are confusing for those unfamiliar with them (heck, I still hate them). And then there’s the average D/FW driver... 🙄 🤬

Popper is a fascinating and thoughtful writer/thinker, and I entirely agree with his stance on not tolerating the intolerant. 

Huzzah for the lower beltline / being able to see out of the vehicle. One of the worst design features of cars in the last decade or so was the high beltline with short windows. I know the “Security Moms” like them, but I wanna see out of my frickin’ vehicle...

It’s OK to be angry at reactionary garbage like 4jim describes. People like this are destroying the country.

What’s the rear cargo volume like with the 2nd/3rd row seats out of the way ? Compared to something like a 4Runner say...?

Now playing

Left of center here, too, and I agree. This article is just a hatchet job by people who don’t like cruises.

Yep. Maybe start scrutinizing all people over 80 or so. Otherwise, let the std. license renewal process point out individuals who should be reevaluated on a case by case basis. Every “elderly” relative I’ve ever had on both sides of my family were fine drivers up thru their 70s.

Who’s mandating people drive EVs?

Came here to say this. Corolla Cross FTW at this price. The reliability alone makes that decision a no-brainer...

I was thinking about the Corolla Cross as well. Yeah, still “boring” in some eyes, but that reliability. Esp. vs. a GM product.