As a native Texan I can confirm that, while What-a-Burger makes decent cheeseburgers, IMHO an In-n-Out double-double is better.
As a native Texan I can confirm that, while What-a-Burger makes decent cheeseburgers, IMHO an In-n-Out double-double is better.
Oh for pity’s sake. I’m liberal AF (in any non-USA, civilized Western country I’d be a social democrat or whatever they call them there). But “Taylor is killing the planet” ? Gimme a break...
That’s all bullsh*t and you know it. You place your viewpoints as the norm so you can cast opposition to that as complaining / negativity / etc...
YOU don’t speak for all Texans. And this native Texan completely understands the feeling germancarsonly expressed.
We could put a picture of asylum seekers crawling over razor wire and being packed into buses to “sanctuary cities” on our license plates. Or of dying women being denied medically necessary abortions. It’d be just as on-brand.
GX 550 Overtrail. Earth and Black Onyx paint, Olive and Black interior trim. Add 10.7" display, remove moonroof. Accessories: roof crossbars, all weather cargo mats, ARB fridge & tie-down kit, ARB air compressor, deflator, and pump up kit. Summary $72,834.
I’m really getting the impression that you work for a dealership or in a closely related field. Either that, or you’re just an apologist for them,,...
To the extent that they belong to the class “car dealers” who are almost universally awful - yes.
I like Toyotas, but hate Toyota dealers. Most of them are greedy pigs...
You enjoy that Ford reliability, ‘K ?
oh nothing, I just sign off like that. Fuck Trump
Naw. Their neo-conservatives are as bad as ours...
And yet you came back, read an entire article, and spent add’l time & effort composing your knuckle-head comment.
Extra points for the North Texas locations in the video! (Ponder Town Hall!)
Then for most U.S. cities, you’ll only get a certain demographic coming downtown for recreation or work. If that’s fine WRT the businesses that operate there, it’s all good. But I know I often avoid going downtown (Dallas in my case) because parking is awkward or expensive...
Came here to comment this. Alternate headline, “Atlanta has a decent amount of downtown parking” (vs. cities who apparently hate having actual people come downtown & patronize businesses since there’s no place for them to park).
I’m definitely on-board with this. Generational stereotypes are arbitrary and meaningless.👍
Thanks for adding to the conversation, very thoughtful of you...
Incl people born from 1960-64 in this list of somewhat ageist “humor” is a bit galling. I’m just as characteristic of GenX as I am of late Boomers, and have little in common with people born right after WWII.
To add to the Ghirardelli tip, you can usually get larger boxes of their excellent brownie mix at Costco (contains multiple std. size bags of mix).