
The thing about macOS is that it’s Unix, so all the Unix file system commands work (like the thing you mentioned RE: starting a filename with a “.”). You can also use the std Unix file/directory cmds to set just who can read/write/execute a file or directory (“executing” a directory means you can cd into it). 

We’re an Apple household (makes it easier on the CTO, me, to only have one platform to support). But Pixel phones are in my mind the all-around best Android phones out there. No “junkware” loaded, std. Android interface, very good cameras, and Google seems to keep updates avail longer for the Pixels. Not as long as

Sounds like an economic variation of what they used to call Uncle Tom syndrome. A “strategy of coping with oppression from socially, culturally, or economically dominant groups involving suppression of aggressive feelings and even identification with the oppressor...”

ARRRGH! Nooooo! First Jason Torchinsky and David Tracy over at Jalopnik and now you... 😢

I’ve been working the 9-5 grind for 40+ years, and that second take above is spot-on. Just because you’ve grown massive psychological callouses from being abused for decades doesn’t mean it’s OK to dump on young people who are discovering this for the first time.

To say nothing of, “Oh, now I’m at work and need a shower + change of clothes” 

I’m conflicted. On the one hand, seeing “a lifted truck with a 2A, NRA, or thin blue line decal” get their penis substitute stolen warms the cockles of my cold, cynical heart. On the other hand, now there’s another gun roaming free in the hands of a thief.

“...if you were to lick it (which you should not), it would taste salty.”

Then the same people start fantasizing about their (real or wannabe) firearm collection and how they can’t wait to blow away these barbarian home invaders.

Hah! Yes! or at LL Bean.

“...among drivers; those of more expensive EVs with faster charging may think that they have a right to a fast charger because of the amount of money they spent on their vehicle.”

This is really good with an orange as well. That “tastes like Christmas” to me.

Another advantage for ethernet: it’s full-duplex (for any, modern variety) vs. half-duplex for wifi. Full-duplex = “you can listen and talk at the same time”

This isn’t the USS Enterprise shuttle bay. You don’t have to announce your departure... 😄

Seems like some guys who enjoy what they’re doing, but this is pretty high-end stuff. Plus building them in one of the most expensive neighborhoods in the country ? This isn’t a camper van for regular people with regular incomes, but maybe there are enough #vanlife Instagrammers with some money from Daddy to afford

I’ve purchased SK Hynix RAM before and it was just fine. No issues at all, and a very good price, too.

Pilot Zulu here has a point. And IMHO, there are just too damn many people allowed into Burning Man anyway. Much less people who are competent to take care of themselves for the few extra days it took this time for the playa to dry out & become passable again, make good wilderness survival decisions, etc... ::mumbles

As a Texan, who lived for awhile in SW Colorado, I’m praying this thing doesn’t have Texas plates (can’t see from the photo). But yeah, people on 14ers.com are already joking “must be a Texan”...

Ruining the quality of life, the cleanliness, and the logistics / availability of supplies & services in small, isolated local communities + trashing the environment. But hey! The tech bros, celebrities, and social media “influencers” are bringing money. Which is the only thing that matters, amirite ?

Burning Man Attendees Are Ruining Local Communities On Their Way To & From Black Rock City