
Do it! Doooo eeeet! 

What about “believe women” ? What about looking at who benefits the most from lying about the situation ? Madison, if she’s lying, only “gains” continued harassment and denigration from misogynistic Internet tech bros.

Texas, America’s other Florida.

Do you have any idea how easy it is to get your hands on a loaded gun in the US? Toddlers do it all the time, and they ain’t exactly criminal masterminds.

I’m in Alabama. and it ...seems a little backwards.

Texan here. No, the state would lose about half that in taxes. They’re charging about double what the avg car in Texas pays per year in gas taxes. And they’re doing it that way to score stupid “own the Libs” points and because our useless Governor thinks he’s “protecting the oil & gas industry in the state.”

It’s a “conservative” caused problem not because of the tax, but because of the punitive amount. Twice what an avg. gas powered car in Texas would pay in taxes at the pump.

The Texas automobile dealers assoc. has a strangle hold on the Legislature here. And they don’t like Tesla because it’s a mfg. selling directly to the public. Money talks, especially when it goes into Republican re-election funds.

I live in Plano and Toyota has been rolling over and showing their belly to basically every bit of culture war bullsh*t Texas Republicans come up with. Not a peep out of them...

Or maybe she was just really upset over the whole thing and dealing with some random Okie on the Internet wasn’t on her to-do list ?

And at the time Madison worked there and complained via “internal processes,” guess who was also head of HR at LMG ? Yep, Yvonne. 

She did go thru “proper channels” when still employed, but guess what ? At that time, Linus’ wife Yvonne was head of HR at LMG. And nothing happened... What a surprise.

Linus Media Group has done things worse than that. In just the past few days, a former employee named Madison Reeve came out with horrendous accounts of sexism and downright sexual harassment while working there. Their response to that has been even lamer...

Quality work costs money. If you can DIY, great! I rebuilt the engine in my 1966 VW BUG many moons ago. But no need to rag on them if DIY isn’t your thing and you live in the Seattle area.

I wouldn’t buy it, but that’s a reasonably nice price for what it is. Take it to Peace Vans in Seattle and have them go over it, they’ll fix up anything that needs fixing... 

Oh good Lord, it’s a Texas license plate, too.

Let’s say you witness a fellow employee fudging something like a timecard to get a little more compensation from the giant, soul-sucking corporation you work for. Unless you’re a complete tool, the only proper response is to go on about your day, realizing it’s none. of. your. damn. business. 

An interior wall is probably more ideal for this. We have a recessed medicine cabinet in our house the builders put in an exterior wall and it really lets Summer heat & Winter cold in due to the much thinner layer of insulation behind it. 

The rich don’t give a flip what we think. And what passes for “conservatives” these days don’t care either, as long as Thomas keeps giving them the ruling they want. 

What’s the cargo space like with the rear seats folded down ? Length, Width, ceiling Height.