
Good idea from Ford, but the price is more than a bit off-putting. I guess it’s for the trust fund, Instagram kids...

If Honda still sold the Fit, I’d drive one. Would meet my std day-to-day needs quite nicely. As it is, I have a Civic sedan - so not too much bigger.

The good doctor is channeling my wife, apparently... 😅

So various MAGA hell-holes ? No thanks...

Nice, quick read on Matt’s history with some good photos:

Good strategy. Similar to visiting predominately black churches in the South whenever they throw a barbecue to raise funds. Some of the best ‘que and sides you’ll ever get, made by grandmas and grandpas who know what they’re doing...

Growing up in Austin, TX in the 1960s, hard shell tacos were very common long before Taco Bell ever appeared. All the Tex-Mex restaurants* served some types of tacos that way, and that’s how my Mom made them, too.

John Muir (the engineer, not the naturalist) always said to drive a Type 2 like you were an Aztec sacrifice strapped to the front...

LOL, np. I forgot the year until I looked it up myself...

You say “air cooled” in the article, but Vanagons from 1983 onwards were water-cooled (the “Wasserboxer” engines). The front of this one shows the characteristic 2nd, lower radiator grill of that type as well. 

Besides the Ford Transit Connect and the Ram Promaster City, I need to throw in one from a slightly different category - the Honda Element. Like the first two, it’s bigger on the inside...

Also, beans are good in chili. (And I live in Texas too...)

For those not familiar with hasselbacking, which sounds much more risque than it is...

This asshole again ?

I know it isn’t exactly the same, but there’s a jarred condiment commonly sold in the UK called Branston Pickle that makes a great sandwich with cheese.

“How to tell when your boss is lying ?” Uh...their lips are moving...

There are some good videos on Youtube explaining how the M1 Air is really all the laptop most Mac users need vs. the more expensive & newer M2 Air.

There are some good videos on Youtube explaining how the M1 Air is really all the laptop most Mac users need vs. the

The Republic of Ireland would like a word...

I get it, but perhaps a much lower-key and less expensive monarchy. Like they have in the Netherlands or Norway.

Haven’t checked recently, but the Texas hill country town of New Braunfels just north of San Antonio on IH-35 had a good Oktoberfest. Bonus: it’s in a town orig settled by Germans, as was much of the Hill Country.