This absolutely sucks. Small vans meet a very useful set of specific needs for some use cases. You’d think at least one mfg would stay in the market to pick up these sales...
This absolutely sucks. Small vans meet a very useful set of specific needs for some use cases. You’d think at least one mfg would stay in the market to pick up these sales...
Yeah, well...small town Arkansas. Just say no.
Absolutely no surprise. The majority of cops are, or might as well be, members of the Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, etc...
Well, with conservatives, the ignorance, the narrow-mindedness, the bigotry, and the cruelty are the point.
Channeling Peter from The Brady Bunch doing his Cagney impression...”Pork chops and applesauce.”
Ligonberry jam FTW!
Boulder ? Did no one at this site recall the wildfire that swept thru neighboring Louisville, CO ? $513M in damages, 1,100 homes & other structures destroyed, incl. a good friend’s home (complete loss). Wildfire certainly counts as a natural disaster, and with the West drying out...
As a Southerner I go all in: I make corncakes (cornmeal “pancakes,” a.k.a. hoecakes). They’re good sweet or savory. For sweet, try ‘em with butter and cane syrup - a good brand like Steen’s.
I’ve personally seen MAGA-types frantically trying to scrape these stickers off gas pumps once prices started to fall.
I’m going to take it a step further next time and omit the meat for a skin-only quesadilla—a decadent, crunchy, cheesy, melty, salty affair—because the skin is the best part.
No worries. It can’t be stated often enough.
There. FIFY. Maybe even ignore them altogether.
Another old guy here, and I was all set to craft something similar to what you just wrote. So here’s a thumbs up instead
...he’s seen Dude turn down *interested* women because they were normal looking and/or over 35.
Native Texan here. Just to give you an idea of the size of the place, El Paso at the very western tip of the state is closer to the Pacific ocean in Calif. than it is to Texarkana in the NE corner on the Texas/Arkansas border.
Now this, this is a food hack! I never thought to inquire if dirty water hot dogs were warmed in anything but plain H2O... Gotta try this.
Oh goody, just what I come here be scolded by a self-righteous vegetarian. 🙄
Police are investigating the incident while begging farmers to lay off the fecal flinging and fire setting as it’s dangerous to other Danes on the road.
Mmmm...timbits and a small double-double. Tastes better with socialist free healthcare!
No Lauren, that only happened in the fantasy version he sent to “Letters to Penthouse”.