What you’re describing isn’t a “mild” case. A friend of mine had a legit mild case and it was like a light cold/moderate allergy attack for two days...
What you’re describing isn’t a “mild” case. A friend of mine had a legit mild case and it was like a light cold/moderate allergy attack for two days...
Thanks for the reply.
philosophical differences with Subaru as a company
Same body and some other parts, but the Promaster City sold in the U.S. and Canada has a completely different powertrain. The 2.4L Tigershark engine shared with other Jeep/Chrysler vehicles and a German-designed automatic transmission used by many, different vehicle mfgs (again, incl. Jeep).
The first alternative for $37 up above has no name or link displayed...
Interested in how you compare this choice to the RAM Promaster City...
This is the way.
That’s why you buy refurbed iPhones from Apple. Always gets a new battery and case (and usually a screen) + same warranty as a new one.
Loewy’s design is classic and looks fine (and Trump is an idiot). Keep it the way it is.
Is it as good as the family-owned Chinese restaurant in my neighborhood ? No. Is it better than 95% of the frozen versions (or *ick* Panda Express) ? YES.
It’s not even halfway through the year and they’re jut packing it up until 2023? What the fuck?
LOL - OK, point taken. But like you said, it still isn’t naturally “almond country.” Calif. agriculture has gotten spoiled big-time by a past abundance of easily available irrigation water. That time is past, and the sooner the farmers adapt, the better.
Encourage your state gov’t to stop supporting agricultural practices that aren’t appropriate for your area (e.g. growing almonds in the freakin’ desert).
Came here to comment this. Our Nextdoor is a complete dumpster fire of Trumpist, MAGA nonsense. I removed my acct years ago and have never been remotely tempted to re-engage.
Oh man, gotta be salted - yes ?
If there’s a single defining characteristic of the older people I’ve known...
Native Texan and long-time resident here - you are correct. The right-wingers who dominate Texas politics right now are all in bed with oil & gas and other businesses. They won’t regulate electricity generation the way that’s needed because it would cut in to those companies’ short term profits.
Agree that it’s the airlines’ ultimate fault, but they only care about money so they’ll pack us in like sardines regardless...
There are enough people who feel this way about reclining seats that the airlines should just block that function, or limit it to a tiny lean-back angle. I’m on the tall side, and too many selfish a**holes out there would be leaning back into my damn lap and/or breaking my kneecaps with their seat back otherwise...