
One of the world’s largest auto-makers is hardly an “unlikely contender. Add to that their ability to do actual quality control and not being run by a narcissistic blowhard, and you have a winner. 

Step 1: coat grapefruit in a thin layer of coconut oil. Makes it easier to slide it into the trash...

You mean like my BA in Medieval Metaphysics from Miskatonic University in Arkham, MA ?  

There’s a reason they’re referred to as “Canadian Cobra Chickens.”

...and mother of rock and roll.

And I would add - be careful of small towns since they tend to be havens for weird MAGA/QAnon nutcases. I’ve never felt so uncomfortable as when I was driving thru certain rural areas in places from Tennessee to Texas and seen all sorts of bizarre, extremist “conservative” billboards & yard signs everywhere. No way

So the hardware is kind of “six one way, half-dozen the other” (better CPU in the SE, better screen on the 6a). The key buying decision should really be based upon what OS ecosystem you prefer - Apple/iOS vs. Google/Android.

Definitely peak Republican

There are plenty of low-information, “conservative”, rural(-ish) voters in Maine. Collins is there because Maine wants her there.

I like that “minimalistic” interior. Most high-end RVs have interior designs like a cross between a poor person’s idea of a Vegas high roller’s suite and an upscale whorehouse.

Native Texan here, and I really get this. I love my home state, I just don’t love every person in it.

Native Texan, D/FW resident, and UTD alum here. I totally get this, and don’t blame her one bit. If the state university system wants to slow this potential brain drain, they need to get off the damn fence and speak out against government-sponsored bigotry and anti-woman policies in a plain and forthright way.

Because editing is for losers ? 

I bet she doesn’t mind. My black little heart loves Claire’s food blogging, too.

My favorite NYC cab story was about the cab we got into in Midtown and tried to take to a famous restaurant in Chinatown. Driver had no idea where it was, kept calling other drivers to try & find out, got lost, finally made it to the neighborhood, and kept circling the block (incl going down a narrow alley more than

Saturns are most assuredly not indestructible. The ones we had in 2000 absolutely ate water pumps and alternators. Damn things left me stranded more than once. After we got rid of them we switched to Honda and never looked back.

I’m from Texas, and I think state law requires that I shoot at them with one of the several 2A dispensers I’m req’d to have with me at all times...

This happened right in my backyard (McKinney, TX is the county seat of Collin Co. where I live). As far as I’m concerned, f**k this guy. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes...

Used to live in SW Colorado fairly near the Utah border, and mom & pop burger places in Utah called Miracle Whip + Ketchup “Fry Sauce”. Good stuff.

Oh yeah, forgot about instant potato flakes!