
Another descendant* of the Confederacy here to say I absolutely agree. Tear down the damn statues.

Came to post basically the same thing. Both my parents were involved in WWII. My Dad was in the US Army Third Inf Div in Europe and was held as a POW for 18 mo. My Mom worked for the Civil Service fixing airplane radios for the US Army Air Corp at Hickam Field on Oahu.

Hmmm...take medical advice from the CDC or a Trump-appointed judge in (::retch::) Florida...

F*ck this guy. The only reason the mandate was lifted was a Trump-appointed  judge in (::retch::) Florida. You cram me in a small metal tube with limited air circulation and a bunch of people, I’m wearing my damn mask.

There’s an O’Reilly book I have in my library from awhile back called Learning Unix for Mac OS X by Brian Jepson & Dave Taylor. Don’t think it’s been updated recently, but the underlying OS on the cmd line hasn’t changed all that much. Recommended for any Unix gear-heads using macOS.

One of my favorite ingredients to keep around the pantry is Wondra flour. It’s a wheat flour that’s been pre-cooked and dried and comes in a canister with a shaker top you can also spoon out of. Works great by itself, or you can do the butter/flour thing with it if you need fat in there as well.

Texan here (born and raised). Abbott will do anything to prop up his reputation with his bigoted Trumpist voting base. He doesn’t care who he hurts, and his base just eats it up.

At least in my neck of the woods, Nextdoor is a cesspool of extreme “conservative” / MAGA politics. To such an extent that it’s drowned out everything else and made our neighborhood site useless. YMMV of course.

I’m absolutely with you. And it’s endlessly amusing to hear people defending these services like they’re normal and rational. It’s like someone sat down one day and thought, “So what’s the worst possible method we can come up with to get food from restaurants to people who want to eat it.”

Why ? This is America. That’s why. (yes, heavy sarcasm implied - we’re becoming a Trumpist/conservative dumpster fire of a country)

Not only is Colonial Williamsburg great, but it’s close to Yorktown Battlefield and Jamestown. And it isn’t too far of a drive to Monticello either. All well worth it.

Anything people like that isn’t illegal*, which involves mutual adult consent, and which doesn’t harm another - yeah. And yes, this incls. things which supposedly harm you like the quantity and type of food you eat. Which can be debated ad nauseam...

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Well, I guess I should be pleased it took scrolling down past halfway in the comments before I encountered the gym rat trying to shame people for their personal choices. If it doesn’t affect you (and this doesn’t) just let people like what they like.

TERFs are feminists the way Tulsi Gabbard is a Democrat.

Several years ago we took the family for a vacation in the UK and Ireland. We live in the D/FW area, but the British Airways flights out of AUS were so much cheaper than out of DFW that it was worth driving to Austin and flying out of there. Strange but true.

I see the problems as 1) the Santa Cruz, while better looking, has a less usable bed and is more expensive. 2) the Ridgeline, while a fine light truck, is way too damn expensive.

That was my thought, though Texans of Czech descent would be quick to point out that kolaches only contain fruit or similar sweet filling. Those sausage “kolaches” are actually called klobasnek (Czech klobásník).

Another reason the Electoral College method of electing presidents needs to go and be replaced with a simple, popular vote. And the Senate needs to be tweaked as well - rural states with small populations have way too much influence in Federal gov’t.

Has Claire, or anyone else at Lifehacker, recommended some good models of air fryers ? Links to posts about that would be great.

“Do you know who I am ?!”